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发布时间:2020-12-21 18:04
  由于花岗岩记录了陆壳演化的重要信息,所以其成因问题被越来越多的学者所关注。秦岭造山带出露大量的古生代花岗岩。在过去的几十年中,大家普遍认为这些花岗岩的成因十分重要。本学位论文选择北秦岭造山带出露的高Mg闪长岩和桐柏造山带出露的过碱性A型花岗岩为研究对象,并且将这些古生代花岗岩的成因和交代地幔相联系。本学位论文就北秦岭看峰沟岩体和桐柏造山带黄羊山岩体进行了详细的锆石微区U-Pb同位素测定、全岩主微量分析、全岩Sr-Nd和锆石Hf-O同位素测定。系统的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb同位素分析表明二郎坪高Mg花岗闪长岩形成于约440 Ma。这些高Mg花岗闪长岩有适中的SiO2(60.48-64.67 wt.%)和K2O(1.21-2.10 wt.%)、高Al2O3(15.44-16.51 wt.%)和Na2O(4.01-4.81 wt.%)含量、高MgO含量(2.30-3.44 wt.%)和高Mg#(53.35-56.66)。全岩部分微量元素组成与陆壳相似:有高的Ba(524-113... 

【文章来源】:中国地质大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:96 页


Resume of the Author
Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 Research Status and Scientific Issues of granites
        1.1.1 Evolution of granites
        1.1.2 Zircon and granite evolution
        1.1.3 Early Paleozoic granites in the Qinling-Tongbai Orogen
    1.2 Research objectives and significance
        1.2.2 Research objectives
        1.2.4 Research Significance
    1.3 Structure of the thesis
    1.4 Workload
Chapter 2 Regional Geology
Chapter 3 Methodology
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 Zircon Geochronology
    3.3 In-situ zircon Lu-Hf and O isotope analyses
    3.4 Whole-rock elemental and Sr-Nd analyses
Chapter 4 Paleozoic high-Mg granodiorite from the North Qinling Belt .
    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Results
        4.2.2 LA-ICPMS U-Pb dating
        4.2.3. Hf isotope
        4.2.4. O isotope
        4.2.5. Whole-rock geochemistry
        4.2.6. Sr-Nd isotopes
    4.3. Discussion
        4.3.1. Formation ages of the Erlangping granodiorite pluton
        4.3.2. Petrological classification
        4.3.3. Petrogenesis of the high-Mg granodiorite
Chapter 5 Early Paleozoic Peralkaline A-type granitoids from the South Qinling Orogen
    5.1 Introduction
    5.2 Results
        5.2.1 LA-ICPMS U-Pb dating
        5.2.2 Hf-O isotope compositions
        5.2.3 Geochemical characteristics
    5.3 Discussion
        5.3.1 Geochronology of the Huangyangshan pluton
        5.3.2 Petrological classification of the Huangyangshan granite
        5.3.3 Zircon geothermometry
        5.3.4 Petrogenesis of the Huangyangshan A-type magmatism
Chapter 6 Tectonic interpretation
Chapter 7 Conclusion & Recommendation
    7.1 Conclusion
    7.2 Recommendation

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