本文选题:三维点云 切入点:点云分割 出处:《中国地质大学》2017年博士论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of information service industry in the geographic space of geospatial data products are increasingly high requirements. Geospatial data is facing the large amount of information, high accuracy, visualization and mining direction. A new survey technology for 3D laser scanning is a technology revolution after GPS the field of Surveying and mapping. The technology is also called real copy technology, can be established for the region of interest of 3D model detailed in a short period of time, and quantitative analysis, provides a new solution for the majority of the field of Surveying and mapping scientific researchers and engineers. At present, the 3D laser scanning technology is gradually applied to the protection of cultural relics and the engineering calculation, topographic mapping, virtual reality, the field of deformation monitoring. However, 3D scene reconstruction using 3D laser point cloud when there are still many problems, for example, in the terrain Draw the scene, researchers pay more attention to the rendering efficiency of point cloud, and the 3D point cloud reconstruction method although the existing point cloud simplification algorithm, but few people pay attention to features some characteristics of point cloud is represented by the lack of classification and reconstruction of streamlining point cloud data; in the process of cultural reconstruction, researchers pay more attention to the lack of data part of the reconstruction accuracy, and the prediction method of existing methods only using a support vector machine model to predict the missing data, the lower part of the missing data on the reconstruction accuracy; in deformation monitoring, the researchers pay more attention to the differences between different scenes of the description, and the existing methods lack method the overall change of scene description, it is difficult to accurately describe the same region of the overall differences between different scenes. Therefore, in view of the existing 3D laser scanning scene reconstruction problem in the process of in-depth The research and discussion, the main research work and achievements are as follows: 1. in the multi scene data reconstruction, the need for registration of different scenes of point cloud data, the systematic analysis of the existing cloud point cloud registration method based on geometric features based on points, in the overall point cloud feature the initial point cloud registration based on this method, the feature extraction of SIFT, first get a set of matching points, then use the SVD matrix to calculate the initial rotation matrix R and the initial translation matrix T. based on the ICP precise registration algorithm, improved the existing decomposition algorithm, ICP algorithm for Gauss Newton approximation the value of the slow convergence speed of large error, LM algorithm is used to optimize the projection matrix, the SIFT feature points LM-ICP algorithm based on point cloud registration. In addition, in the actual registration process, due to multiple scene proportion Size is not the same, the multi-scale ICP algorithm for point cloud registration not existing problems, put forward some multi-scale SIFT feature point cloud registration algorithm based on scene. Through the experiments verify the effectiveness of the algorithm, and achieved good effect of registration.2. in the single point cloud reconstruction of scene data, or when multiple point cloud registration has a single scene data point cloud scene, the 3D laser scanning point cloud data are usually 3D data, how to simplify the point cloud simplification will affect the efficiency and the effect of point cloud reconstruction of point cloud data. This paper presents an improved algorithm of point cloud data reduction. According to the scanning object external attributes (such as deformation zone and non deformation area, focusing on regional or non key zone) to classify the 3D point cloud data, the point cloud data in key areas with the package Box streamlined for non key areas of point cloud data is data reduction. Finally, the point cloud streamline the point cloud and not streamlined with triangular net point insertion method for 3D scene reconstruction. Experimental results show that the method of rapid reconstruction of three-dimensional point cloud scene provides new ideas and methods to solve.3. the change of point cloud reconstruction, point cloud data model to extract the changing scene using reasonable methods of point cloud data and describe the change of the scene. Based on the existing deformation observation GPS acquisition instrument due to the impact of observation points, not overall description of the change area therefore, this paper proposes and ground data points using region growing method and morphological filtering algorithm to extract the point cloud, the scene data of different regional variations, a mathematical model is described, using the mutual data between different scenes The change in angle to describe the change of the whole scene in the corresponding data. In addition, because the ground data improved morphological filtering algorithm is not suitable for the existing fluctuating extraction, therefore proposed morphological point cloud filtering algorithm, described provides a new solution for.4. in the absence of scene reconstruction for point cloud data the 3D scene changes, because the instrument itself is insufficient or prone to jamming, point cloud data loss. Therefore, in the modeling before the need to repair the missing part of point cloud data. Because of the different part of the point cloud data characteristics are different, the manner in which the correct fill in this paper is asked. The prediction of particle swarm optimization SVM model and genetic algorithm to optimize the SVM model for the missing part of the point cloud data. Based on the experimental results show that this method is able to The prediction of point cloud data provides a new and effective method for the generation of missing point cloud data.
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