本文选题:倾斜影像 + 最优纹理选取 ; 参考:《桂林理工大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the constant development of city digitization, the construction of urban 3D model has become one of the research hotspots in the field of photogrammetry, computer vision and so on.In recent years, the emergence of tilt photography of UAV provides a good data source for 3D modeling. The tilt photography of UAV is different from the traditional vertical photography, which combines vertical photography and tilt photography.The multi-angle acquisition not only reduces the workload in the field of data acquisition, but also increases the collection of metope texture in the aspect of texture information.In the process of reconstruction of 3D model of urban buildings, texture is an important part of constructing realistic 3D model, the quality of texture directly affects the effect of the model, so in the process of texture mapping,The selection of optimal texture is very important. How to select high quality and realistic texture has become the focus of research.Therefore, according to the current situation of 3D reconstruction texture mapping at home and abroad, this paper studies the urban 3D model texture mapping based on UAV tilt image, and proposes an algorithm to select the optimal texture.The algorithm not only improves the speed of modeling, but also strengthens the realistic texture by constructing the optimal texture model to select the optimal texture, which has great research value.The main work of this paper is as follows: firstly, the multi-rotor UAV and tilt camera in UAV tilt photography system are studied deeply.In this paper, the imaging methods of oblique photography are analyzed, and the advantages of choosing tilted image as texture source are expounded, and the necessity of selecting optimal texture is discussed.Secondly, this paper expounds the method of selecting the optimal texture of the building, mainly divides the texture into two parts, the top and the wall, and puts forward an algorithm to construct the optimal model of the texture of the wall.In this algorithm, the constraints and objective functions of the optimization model are discussed in detail, and the multi-objective texture optimization model is constructed by selecting the optimal metope texture by the constraint condition and objective function of the model.Finally, the process of solving the optimization model is described in detail.Then, the methods of texture mapping are reviewed, and the process of texture mapping is optimized by analyzing and comparing. Firstly, the building model is matched with the image, and the optimal texture is selected by using the optimization model.Then processing and restoring the selected texture with tree occlusion.The optimal texture image is mapped to the 3D building surface by OpenGL, and the texture mapping of the 3D building model is realized.Finally, aiming at the method proposed in this paper, the tilt image obtained by UAV tilt photogrammetry is experimented, and the coordinate of the optimal texture in the image is normalized by the optimal selection of the texture of the building.By mapping the optimal texture to the surface of the 3D model of a building, a 3D model of a city building with realistic texture is obtained, which proves the effectiveness of the proposed method in improving the realistic texture of the building.
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