本文选题:一张图 + 空间数据 ; 参考:《长安大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:国土资源是人们赖以生存和发展的重要物质基础,实现国土资源的高效、科学管理是当前国土资源管理事业发展的必然要求。运用信息化技术、采用信息化管理是促进国土资源管理创新,实现国土资源管理的科学化、规范化、精细化的重要途径。几年来,,国土资源部门积极推进国土资源管理信息化建设,加快“一张图”工程建设,以实现国土资源全覆盖、全流程的动态监测与监管,达到“一张图管地、管矿、管权”的目的。 本文从信息化建设的背景出发,认真分析了当前我国国土资源管理工作中的诸多问题,阐明了“一张图”建设的实际意义;在总结前人研究成果及试点区域系统建设经验的基础上,分析了国土资源数据的分类及特点,对“一张图”系统的建设内容和框架以及关键技术进行了研究和探讨;通过对用户需求的分析,根据数据库设计的一般原则,结合已有各类专题数据库建设标准,设计出核心数据库要素分类编码体系、数据组织结构和数据模型,研究和设计数据库的物理存储结构和数据安全保障体系;确定数据库建设的技术流程和步骤,重点对数据整合在数据库建设中的应用进行了探讨;最后结合资阳市国土资源“一张图”系统的结构和功能分析,阐明了核心数据库数据在“一张图”系统中的调用和展现。 本文研究的目的是通过对“一张图”系统中的核心数据库的建设研究,为“一张图”系统的整体建设提供数据基础,为国土资源管理各项工作提供全面的、高度共享的数据支撑,促进国土资源信息化建设的高效推进。
[Abstract]:Land and resources are the important material foundation on which people depend for survival and development. Scientific management is the inevitable requirement for the development of land and resources management. Using information technology and adopting information management is an important way to promote the innovation of land and resources management and to realize the scientific, standardized and fine management of land and resources. Over the past few years, the land and resources departments have actively promoted the information construction of land and resources management, speeding up the construction of the "one map" project, in order to achieve full land and resources coverage, dynamic monitoring and supervision of the whole process, so as to achieve "one map, land management, and mining management." The purpose of governing power. Based on the background of information construction, this paper analyzes many problems in the management of land and resources in our country, and expounds the practical significance of the construction of "one map". On the basis of summing up the previous research results and the experience of regional system construction in pilot area, this paper analyzes the classification and characteristics of land and resources data, and studies and discusses the construction content, frame and key technology of the "one map" system. According to the general principles of database design and the existing standards of database construction, the classification and coding system of core database elements, data organization structure and data model are designed through the analysis of users' needs. The physical storage structure and data security system of database are studied and designed, the technical flow and steps of database construction are determined, and the application of data integration in database construction is discussed. Finally, based on the analysis of the structure and function of the "one map" system in Ziyang, the transfer and display of the core database data in the "one map" system are expounded. The purpose of this paper is to provide a data basis for the overall construction of the "one map" system and to provide a comprehensive basis for the management of land and resources through the study of the construction of the core database in the "one map" system. Highly shared data support to promote the efficient development of land and resources information construction.
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