本文选题:甚长基线干涉测量 + 数据标准 ; 参考:《上海应用技术大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:甚长基线干涉测量是20世纪60年代,末期发展起来的一种拥有高角分辨率的射电干涉测量技术。后来在天文领域内得到广泛的应用。VLBI技术经过多年的发展,已经完善并建立了许多数据标准。这些标准使得各个VLBI机构之间的数据格式的不兼容性逐渐缩小。目前,国际上正在实现从Mark 5B数据格式到VDIF数据格式的转换,代表性的是美国Haystack天文台Mark 6系统,输出VDIF数据格式。目前已经被多个国家的天文机构采用。国内的VLBI观测网也已经采购了数台Mark 6,准备应用于国际VLBI联测和国内VLBI陆态网等的观测。对于每一次数据格式的转变,其实质是对数据记录设备和数据回放设备同时进行升级。对应Mark系列记录设备,也同时有对应Mark系列的相关处理设备。目前国际上主流的开源软件相关处理机DiFX也已经支持VDIF数据格式。国内探月工程测控系统VLBI测轨分系统也在积极开展VDIF数据格式的研究,并准备应用于下一期任务。为此,本文围绕VLBI技术,结合VDIF数据格式的特点,主要展开了以下几个方面的研究:1)首先对VLBI技术相关背景进行原理性研究;2)根据VLBI数据传输系统要求,研究符合VDIF数据格式特点的数据编帧模块和数据预处理模块;3)重点设计了基于VDIF数据格式的数据编帧模块,从功能上把数据编帧模块主要分解数据字产生模块、数据字FIFO模块、数据帧头信息产生模块、数据帧头FIFO模块、数据帧控制器模块、数据帧FIFO模块和输出控制器模块;4)重点设计了基于VDIF数据格式的数据预处理模块,从功能上把数据预处理模块主要分解去帧头模块、去帧头后数据缓存模块、扇入模块、交叉选择模块和输出FIFO模块;5)最后对这两个模块进行仿真验证和测试。本文的所有模块设计都是在ISE下采用VHDL语言编写程序进行设计的,在各个模块以及整体仿真均正确无误后,把程序下载到Xilinx公司生产的Spartan-6系列的XC6SLX16-2CSG324芯片中。经测试验证,数据编帧模块和数据预处理模块能够很好的实现预期的设计要求。
[Abstract]:Very long baseline interferometry is a kind of radio interferometry with high angle resolution developed in the late 1960s. Later, extensive application of.VLBI technology in the field of astronomy has been developed for many years, and many data standards have been developed and established. These criteria make the data format between various VLBI mechanisms. Incompatibility is gradually shrinking. At present, the conversion from the Mark 5B data format to the VDIF data format is being realized. The representative is the Mark 6 system of the American Haystack Observatory, the output VDIF data format. Now it has been adopted by the astronomical institutions of many countries. The domestic VLBI observation network has also purchased several Mark 6 and is ready to apply to the country. Interviewing VLBI and domestic VLBI terrestrial network. For each data format, the essence of the transformation is to upgrade the data recording equipment and data playback equipment. Corresponding to the Mark series recording equipment, and the corresponding processing equipment for the corresponding Mark series. At present, the international mainstream open source software related processor DiFX has also been used. After supporting the VDIF data format, the VLBI rail measurement system of the measurement and control system of the domestic lunar exploration project is also actively carrying out the research on the VDIF data format and is ready to be applied to the next task. This paper, based on the VLBI technology and the characteristics of the VDIF data format, mainly launches the following research: 1) first of all, the related background of VLBI technology is carried out. Principle research; 2) according to the requirements of VLBI data transmission system, the data frame module and data preprocessing module conforming to the features of VDIF data format are studied. 3) the data frame module based on VDIF data format is designed, and the data coding module is mainly decomposed from the word generation module, the data word FIFO module and the data frame head information. The production module, the data frame head FIFO module, the data frame controller module, the data frame FIFO module and the output controller module; 4) the data preprocessing module based on the VDIF data format is designed. The data preprocessing module is mainly decomposed to the frame head module, the data cache module, the fan in module, the cross selection module and the cross selection module, and the data preprocessing module are mainly decomposed to the frame head module. The output FIFO module; 5) finally, the two modules are simulated and tested. All the modules of this paper are designed under the VHDL language program under the ISE. After all the modules and the whole simulation are correct, the program is downloaded to the XC6SLX16-2CSG324 chip of the Spartan-6 series produced by the Xilinx company. Test certificate, data framing module and data preprocessing module can achieve the desired design requirements very well.
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