[Abstract]:The terrain factors, spatial distribution form and density characteristics of the gully region are the natural basis of the economic development of the gully region, and have the inherent logical relationship. Using the digital elevation model (DEM) and Arc GIS software to analyze and evaluate the terrain factors, the spatial form and density of the gully area in Beijing mountainous area one by one, we can deeply understand the micro-gully domain from the multiple ways and angles of view. It provides the basic data and beneficial enlightenment for the spatial layout of the economy in the gully area. Topographic factors are combed from contour, elevation, slope, and so on, and the characteristics and spatial distribution of terrain are summarized. Based on the hydrological analysis function of Arc GIS platform, the furrow domain of Beijing mountainous area was extracted, and the spatial relationship and form between the gully field and the main water system were summarized. Based on the surface runoff model and the kernel function (Kernel) interpolation principle, the spatial distribution of the density in the gully region is simulated according to the accumulative amount of the confluence, and the different characteristics of the density in the gully domain are summarized based on the different spatial scales.
【作者单位】: 北京市社会科学院;中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所;
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