[Abstract]:With the deepening of vector map in practical application, the copyright protection and data authentication of vector map become more and more important. Digital watermarking technology as one of the important means of vector map copyright protection has been widely concerned by experts and scholars, scientific research institutions, this paper mainly focuses on vector map lossless digital watermarking technology. In this paper, a lossless watermarking framework model for vector maps is studied, and a series of lossless watermarking algorithms for vector maps are studied to improve the robustness and watermark capacity of the lossless watermarking algorithm.
(1) Vector map lossless digital watermarking technology analysis. The content characteristics of vector map data, data organizational structure characteristics are analyzed in depth. On this basis, a general model of vector map lossless digital watermarking is given. The embedding position of vector map lossless digital watermarking technology is analyzed. According to the data characteristics of vector map, the embedding position of vector map lossless digital watermarking technology is studied. The evaluation index of digital watermarking algorithm for vector map.
(2) The zero-watermarking technology of vector map is studied. According to the data characteristics of vector map, the frame model of vector map zero-watermarking is given, and the theoretical basis of generating meaningful zero-watermarking is analyzed. Aiming at the problem of poor robustness of traditional watermarking algorithm against attack, the spatial and attribute features of vector map are designed. Two zero-watermarking schemes are proposed. A zero-watermarking algorithm based on feature points and block of vector map is proposed. By extracting feature points of vector data, the map is partitioned into Improved Quadtree (MQUAD). An effective anti-MAP geometric transformation (translation, rotation, scaling, etc.), data compression, vertex deletion, addition and data clipping are designed. A robust zero-watermarking algorithm based on vector map element coding is proposed, and the feasibility of attribute as feature information is analyzed. The stability of element coding is used to construct zero-watermarking, which effectively improves the algorithm's resistance to geometric transformation (translation, rotation, scaling), map simplification, especially object editing. Robustness.
(3) An improved reversible watermarking algorithm based on difference expansion for vector maps is proposed. The algorithm has the advantages of simple algorithm and large watermark capacity. Load embedding, except the first vertex coordinates do not change, the other vertex coordinates only change once. In order to improve the watermark embedding capacity and algorithm efficiency, reduce data errors, enhance the security of watermark information to provide a solution.
(4) A reversible watermarking algorithm for vector map based on histogram translation is proposed. A reversible watermarking algorithm for vector map based on sorting and histogram translation is designed to enhance the relationship between adjacent vertex coordinates. By using histogram translation instead of difference expansion to reduce the data error caused by watermark embedding, the algorithm also embed the HASH value of the original vector map with secret information, which can further improve the ability of copyright authentication. The algorithm has higher embedding capacity and smaller data error, and at the same time, the coordinate level. Data sorting attack has strong robustness.
(5) A reversible watermarking algorithm for large-capacity vector maps is proposed. The evaluation index of watermarking capacity is introduced, and the watermark capacity of difference expansion algorithm and histogram translation algorithm is analyzed. The watermark capacity of difference expansion algorithm depends on the scalable difference of the vertices of vector maps. For small-volume maps, the watermark embedding capacity is not high, but the watermark capacity of histogram translation algorithm is analyzed. A reversible watermarking algorithm for large-scale vector maps based on difference translation and parity check is proposed to overcome the drawbacks of these two algorithms. The watermarking capacity of the algorithm is not affected by the correlation of vertex coordinates and the watermark embedding capacity is improved effectively. Compared with the difference expansion algorithm and the histogram translation algorithm, the error introduced by the algorithm is smaller. Figure 78, table 11, 118 references
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