[Abstract]:With the advent of the Internet era, the Internet has become an essential part of people's daily life, work and study. In the surveying and mapping industry, the use of network technology to deal with spatial data, the sharing of geographical information network applications are also more and more Web GIS followed by the emergence. The rise of network map is a great attempt to combine Web technology with traditional geographic information, which greatly deepens people's understanding of geographical information. At present, the geographic information service data released by the major web map companies are provided unilaterally by the company, and users can only accept them passively and lack the active mapping professional interpretation and mapping function. And the image interpretation and cartography processing is mostly done through the desktop version of the software. So the purpose of this paper is to use Web technology to set up a system which can interpret the professional elements of local image data and process the standard cartography, which can be used to exchange data and share information. According to the principle of Service oriented Architecture (SOA), this paper designs and implements a mapping system. The system adopts the design pattern of B / S and integrates the system with AJAX,Web Service,ASP.NET and other technologies. The main work of this paper is as follows: (1) the standards and specifications of image interpretation and standard cartography are studied, and the interpretation symbol database, decorating element database and annotation database supporting the system are established. (2) the mechanism of remote sensing image uploading is studied. It provides a data base for users to interpret cartography. (3) the principle of AJAX based on service-oriented architecture is studied, the image interpretation flow is designed, and the image interpretation interface is provided. (4) how to combine Web Service technology with ArcObjects component is studied. According to the designed drawing flow, it encapsulates the existing standard drawing business logic in C / S mode, and provides a unified drawing interface. (5) A WebGIS system for interpreting cartography is designed and implemented. It provides users with a network platform for image data interpretation and cartographic processing.
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