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发布时间:2018-10-22 19:59
[Abstract]:At present, DEM is widely used in many fields, more commonly used topographic map data to build. Different use purposes, data sources, geomorphological types, the DEM constructed by it presents some differences, but there is no universal interpolation algorithm to meet the actual needs, How to select the appropriate interpolation algorithm and the corresponding parameters is very important, and the DEM derived terrain factors constructed by different algorithms also play an important role in quality evaluation. With the increase of data volume, the speed of DEM construction is relatively slow. People often use high performance machines to improve the speed of data processing, but to a certain extent, it can not meet the actual needs. With the development of GPU technology, CUDA has its unique acceleration effect, so that CUDA technology can be used to accelerate the construction of DEM.. In this paper, the data of three typical geomorphological types in Fujian Province are selected, and the construction parameters and errors of common interpolation algorithms are compared from the angles of DEM construction accuracy, speed and derived terrain factor quality. Then the parallel design based on CUDA technology is used to construct DEM,. The results show that the proposed algorithm is accelerated to some extent. The main contents of this experiment are as follows: (1) the effect of different interpolation parameters on the construction of DEM. Using the quality evaluation index, the error characteristics of different interpolation algorithm parameters are discussed, and the reasonable parameters for constructing high precision DEM by different interpolation algorithms are found out. On this basis, the error characteristics of different interpolation to construct DEM are analyzed, it is concluded that the accuracy of ANUDEM,NN,TIN algorithm is higher, while the error of IDW,Kriging algorithm is relatively large. (2) parallel interpolation algorithm design and performance evaluation based on CUDA. The parallel algorithm of IDW,Spline,Kriging is designed and implemented by using CUDA multithreading technology, using the method of block division and dynamic point search, and it is used to build DEM. quickly. By comparing and analyzing the performance of the three algorithms, the three interpolation algorithms show unequal acceleration under different data volume. (3) the influence of different interpolation algorithms on the terrain factors of DEM is discussed. By means of mathematical statistics and information theory, the differences of terrain factors derived from different interpolation algorithms are analyzed, and the applicable range of different algorithms to extract terrain factors is understood. The results show that the AUNDEM algorithm does not have a flat region for extracting slope terrain factors, and the quality of terrain factors extracted by IDW,kriging algorithm is poor. This experiment can provide some reference basis for ordinary users to process and analyze data by interpolation algorithm, and can also encapsulate and interpolate the data by using COM component technology, so as to facilitate other people to use it. It has certain theory and application value.


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