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发布时间:2018-10-23 09:02
[Abstract]:With the continuous updating of Internet of Things, application computing, mobile interconnection and so on, the acquisition and sharing of geospatial data is becoming more and more convenient, but the problem of data security of geospatial data is also highlighted. Although the traditional information field has started the research on information security access control at the beginning of the computer's birth, it has rich and mature theory and technology, but because of the particularity of geospatial data, such as multi-scale, space relation, attribute, etc., Traditional access control theory and technology can not meet the special needs of geospatial data access control, so it is necessary to study the theory of geographic spatial data access control model and its implementation technology for the characteristics of geospatial data. By studying the characteristics of geospatial data and the traditional access control theory and technology, this paper puts forward the corresponding access control model for geospatial data file and its database, and constructs an efficient access control implementation mechanism. The main contents include: (1) discussing the related technologies of geospatial data and common access control models, analyzing the characteristics of geospatial data and sharing characteristics, and respectively pointing out the security threats existing in the sharing of geospatial data files and databases, Based on the characteristics of geospatial data and the basic principles of access control, this paper puts forward the strategy of access control for geospatial data, and provides theoretical and technical support for the establishment and implementation of the database access control model. (2) aiming at the problems of single control mode, limitation and the like of the existing control mode of access control of the existing geospatial data file, combining the multi-scale feature and the attribute characteristics of the geospatial data, and introducing the encryption and decryption mechanism through the expansion element attribute, An attribute-based access control model XE-GDF-ABAC model is proposed. The model supports multi-granularity access control with good flexibility and scalability. Then, according to the use characteristics of geospatial data file in multi-domain environment, the frame model in multi-domain environment is constructed. In this paper, the implementation mechanism of framework model is put forward based on the idea, setting attribute and policy management rule of level-level control, and the security and controllability of geospatial data files in multi-domain environment are guaranteed. On the basis of this, adopting the filter driving technology, the cross-application software platform of Shapefile format data under the multi-domain environment is realized, and the fine-grained access control of the element level is realized. (3) Aiming at the problem that the existing access control model can not satisfy the actual demand of the access control of the geographical space database, a RBAC model based on multivariate geospatial data feature constraint is proposed in this paper, which is an MFC-RBAC model. in the access main body, the model expands the space-time constraint, enhances the security of the model and supports the access control of the mobile terminal, A plurality of granularity access control of the data layer and the element level improves the flexibility of the model, overcomes the defects of the existing access control model and has good geographic spatial data access control expression capacity. By introducing the effective permission set, the priority of the multi-feature constraint determination is set, the authority management and decision process of the model are optimized, the efficiency of access control is improved, and a specific implementation algorithm is provided through the formal definition. On this basis, the MFC-RBAC model is implemented in the way of middleware, and the validity and practicability of the model are verified. (4) Aiming at the efficiency problem of access control of massive geospatial database, a double-level spatial index _ SR + R-Tree composed of space-time three-dimensional R-tree index and traditional R-tree index is constructed, and authorization information is embedded into the double-level spatial index. Based on MFC-RBAC model, this paper proposes a two-level authorization space index mechanism Model-DART authorization model, and gives the corresponding implementation algorithm. The model not only integrates the retrieval and the policy decision process, but also does not need to carry out complicated spatial operation when the strategy is judged, only needs to compare the non-space constraints such as roles, operations, statistics information and attributes, simplifies the policy decision process, and the access control efficiency of the geographical space database is improved. Especially for the fine-grained access control of grid data, it can get rid of the dependence of vector data and support vector and grid data access control.


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