[Abstract]:Forest survey is a kind of forestry survey, which is aimed at animals, plants and environmental conditions of forest land, forest trees and forest regions. With the continuous emergence of high and new technology, it has become a lot of methods and means to investigate the whole forest resources. Therefore, how to make better use of modern technology to determine the DBH and height of trees and stands quickly and conveniently has become an important content of all kinds of research at present. The purpose of this paper is to use 2D digital camera and 3D digital camera as information acquisition tools, to process the image by the method of close-range photogrammetry and computer program, and to extract the DBH needed by the trees measured by different measuring methods. Tree height information. According to the new regression model method, the photogrammetry of small woodland samples was carried out, and the measurement information of trees in the visible range of the photos was extracted. The experimental study was carried out for the realization of the digitization method of forest resources investigation in the future. The significance of this study lies in the application of close-range photogrammetry in forestry to obtain tree information from small woodland samples, and to change the method of collecting information in traditional forest resources survey. A new method for obtaining measurement data was established. It can reduce the labor intensity of field investigation, improve the efficiency of forest resource investigation, and raise the technology and means of forest resource investigation to the level of automation, modernization and intelligence. In the future, the whole forest resources system will be fully digitized. The innovation point is that the general 2D digital camera is used to obtain the tree height and DBH information in the stand, and the 3D digital camera is used to obtain the measurement information of the individual tree. Through the analysis of the experimental results, it is found that there are advantages and disadvantages in obtaining the DBH and height of trees by using 2D digital camera to photograph individual trees. The average relative errors of DBH and height were 2.93% and 6.16%, respectively, and the average relative errors of DBH and height were 7.74% and 16.01%, respectively. When using 3D digital camera to measure the diameter and height of a single tree, the average relative error is 2.12% and 6.91%, respectively. It can be seen that this method can improve the efficiency of tree measurement and has certain practical value in forestry practice.
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