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发布时间:2018-10-29 21:53
【摘要】:随着经济的高速发展,我国的城市规模不断扩大,城市化进程不断加快,这势必会导致区域土地利用结构及覆被信息的变化以及区域环境的改变。因此,充分利用遥感技术快速有效地提取土地利用信息,结合地理信息系统技术中的空间分析技术,进行城市空间扩展的动态监测和驱动力机制解析,监测城市热环境分布,对指导城市的未来规划,美化城市环境,实现城市的可持续发展具有重要意义。本文以成都市1992年、2002年的TM影像和2013年的Landsat 8三期影像作为研究的主要数据源,在ENVI5.0软件平台上,对三期遥感影像进行几何校正、图像增强、裁剪等预处理,然后采用决策树分类算法,提取研究区的林地、耕地、水体、建设用地及其他用地信息,得到成都市中心城区城市三期的土地利用分类图,结合高空间分辨率影像对分类结果进行比对,证明利用决策树分类具有较好的精度,可以用于城市整体规划研究。其次,利用1992年、2002年和2013年分类图提取成都市中心城区城市边界,通过引进扩展速率、扩展强度、重心坐标转移、紧凑度等指标,运用Arcgis空间叠加分析和土地利用转移矩阵分析,研究了成都市中心城区城市扩展的方向性特征、数量特征、空间形态特征、时空演变规律以及土地利用结构变化规律,探讨了城市空间扩张与社会、政策、经济、自然等驱动因子之间的内在关系。最后,根据遥感影像本身具有的热信息特点,对1992年、2002年和2013年三期遥感影像利用亮温计算公式反演成都市中心城区亮温,再通过基于影像的反演算法(IB算法)把成都市中心城区亮温反演成地表实际温度,并对该地表实际温度的分布情况和变化进行研究,表明成都市热环境分布在1992-2002年整体呈现郊区向城区温度逐渐增高,在城区形成岛屿状孤立高温区域的特点,2002-2013年城区地表温度逐渐降低,郊区温度有所上升的特点。并将成都市热环境分布图与城市空间扩展图比对分析,得出成都市城市热环境的分布与城市的建成区分布基本吻合,二者有着紧密的空间联系,并在21年间成都市热环境分布范围随着城市空间扩展的扩大而变大。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy, the scale of cities in China is expanding and the process of urbanization is speeding up, which will inevitably lead to the change of regional land use structure and coverage information, as well as the change of regional environment. Therefore, using remote sensing technology to extract land use information quickly and effectively, combined with spatial analysis technology in GIS technology, dynamic monitoring and driving force mechanism analysis of urban spatial expansion are carried out to monitor the distribution of urban thermal environment. It is of great significance to guide the future planning of the city, beautify the urban environment and realize the sustainable development of the city. In this paper, the TM images of Chengdu in 1992, 2002 and Landsat 8 in 2013 are taken as the main data sources of the research. On the platform of ENVI5.0 software, three phases of remote sensing images are preprocessed such as geometric correction, image enhancement, cropping and so on. Then the decision tree classification algorithm is used to extract the information of forest land, cultivated land, water body, construction land and other land use in the study area, and the land use classification map of the third phase of the city in Chengdu central city is obtained. By comparing the classification results with high spatial resolution images, it is proved that the decision tree classification has good accuracy and can be used in the study of urban overall planning. Secondly, by using the classification maps of 1992, 2002 and 2013 to extract the urban boundaries of the central urban areas of Chengdu, by introducing the expansion rate, the intensity of expansion, the coordinate transfer of gravity center, the degree of compactness, and so on, By using Arcgis spatial superposition analysis and land use transfer matrix analysis, this paper studies the directional characteristics, quantitative characteristics, spatial morphological characteristics, space-time evolution laws and land use structure changes of urban expansion in central urban area of Chengdu. The relationship between urban spatial expansion and social, policy, economic, natural and other driving factors is discussed. Finally, according to the characteristics of thermal information of remote sensing images, the bright temperature of Chengdu central city is retrieved by using bright temperature calculation formula for the three issues of 1992, 2002 and 2013. Then through the image based inversion algorithm (IB algorithm), the brightness temperature in the central city of Chengdu is retrieved into the actual surface temperature, and the distribution and variation of the actual surface temperature are studied. The results show that the thermal environment of Chengdu increased gradually from 1992 to 2002, and formed insular isolated high temperature area in the urban area. From 2002 to 2013, the surface temperature gradually decreased, and the suburban temperature increased. By comparing the distribution map of thermal environment in Chengdu with the map of urban spatial expansion, it is concluded that the distribution of urban thermal environment in Chengdu is basically consistent with the distribution of urban built-up area, and there is a close spatial relationship between the distribution of thermal environment in Chengdu and the distribution of urban space. In 21 years, the distribution of thermal environment in Chengdu becomes larger with the expansion of urban space.


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