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发布时间:2018-11-03 11:40
[Abstract]:As a means of large scale map, UAV aerial survey system has been recognized in many fields. With the rapid development of domestic light and small UAV platform and digital camera, the technology is maturing day by day, the production cost is decreasing step by step, the UAV photogrammetry software is automatic and intelligent. UAVs will move quickly into the field of mapping large scale topographic maps, and there is a tendency to replace the traditional field mapping. Photogrammetry system can not only automatically carry out strict aerial triangulation to generate digital elevation model (DEM), digital orthophoto (DOM) and digital surface model (DSM), It can also be intelligently reconstructed by image matching and other steps to obtain dense point cloud information. At present, the method of making digital line drawing (DLG) is based on the traditional "binocular vision" artificial stereo mapping. In this paper, based on the combination of dense point cloud and orthophoto image, a large scale mapping method for small UAV aerial survey system is discussed. Firstly, the method is based on PIX4DMAPPER software to generate (DSM), dense point cloud data of (DOM), digital surface model. On this basis, three digital line mapping methods, MAPMATRIX "binocular vision" artificial stereo mapping, ARCGIS and CASS mapping, PIX4DMAPPER point cloud editing and CASS mapping are used to make DLG. Finally, the accuracy and efficiency of this method are compared with the traditional stereo mapping method based on binocular vision. The results show that the method avoids the error of human eye interpretation and the mapping accuracy is reliable. The requirements of the cartographers are reduced and the mapping work can be carried out without long training. The production efficiency has been greatly improved.


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