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发布时间:2018-11-02 15:14
【摘要】:洪水预报工作是水文业务的基础,是水文部门服务社会、向社会公众发布水情信息的重要手段,水文部门日常工作需要先进的信息技术作为发展的动力。GIS作为分析和处理海量地理数据的先进技术,与水文业务特别洪水预报工作的结合是必然趋势。 本文主要通过研究GIS在洪水预报系统中的应用,结合前辈们的相关研究成果,为吉林省水文水资源局洪水预报日常工作提供技术平台,是与生产实践相结合的一项研究。 在利用现有的预报方法、信息数据库资源前提下,通过搭建了GIS平台,在统一的高程系统下,实现水情信息的地图显示、空间查询、属性查询、空间分析、测量、测站编辑、地图输出、数据库关联等功能,进行洪水演进和淹没模拟,结合水利工程情况,模拟洪水传播过程中河道内演进和漫滩等情况,开展水利堤防围堰、水库大坝水位等空间演示,把直观的洪水过程、传播过程和退水过程展示出来,为防汛会商决策时提供数据和图像支持。 通过设计洪水预报系统,,实现GIS的预报方案生成、预报方案查询、预报结果查询等功能,跟踪测站信息、断面信息、预报水位流量,实现水文信息查询检索、洪水叠加等功能,满足防汛抗旱实时会商的需要。 通过加强数据管理,将已有的洪水预报方案整合到一个预报系统中,根据流域和区域特点,选择不同的预报方法和模型,开展参数率定和模型组合,制定洪水预报方案,建立了洪水预报数据库。通过用户管理,实现多用户同时开展洪水预报工作。以吉林省行政区为边界,选择石头口门水库作为代表预报站,通过信息处理,分多时段开展数据预报模拟演算,实现了不同发布标准的洪水预报功能; 通过本研究,不仅可以提高洪水预报水平,还可以缩短预测洪水周期,为决策提供及时的信息。系统建成后,即能够解决洪水预报现存问题,也可以提高利用雨洪资源的水平,为防汛调度和水资源优化配置提供支撑。为保障吉林省粮食安全和生态文明建设提供了技术支持。
[Abstract]:Flood forecasting is the basis of hydrological operations and an important means for hydrological departments to serve society and release hydrological information to the public. The daily work of hydrological department needs advanced information technology as the motive force of development, GIS as the advanced technology of analyzing and processing massive geographic data, and the combination of special flood forecast of hydrological operation is an inevitable trend. This paper mainly studies the application of GIS in flood forecasting system, combining with the related research results of the predecessors, provides a technical platform for the daily work of flood forecasting of Jilin Hydrological and Water Resources Bureau, which is a research combined with production practice. Under the premise of using the existing forecasting methods and information database resources, the GIS platform is built, and under the unified elevation system, the map display, spatial query, attribute query, spatial analysis, measurement, and station editing of hydrologic information are realized. With the functions of map output, database correlation, flood routing and flood simulation, combined with the water conservancy project situation, simulating the river course and flood bank during flood propagation, the spatial demonstration of water conservancy dyke cofferdam and reservoir dam water level is carried out. The intuitionistic flood process, propagation process and water recuperation process are displayed to provide data and image support for flood control consultation and decision making. Through the design of flood forecasting system, the functions of generating forecast scheme, inquiring forecasting scheme, querying forecast result, tracking station information, section information, forecasting water level and discharge, realizing the function of hydrological information query and retrieval, flood superposition and so on are realized. To meet the needs of real-time consultation on flood control and drought-resistance. By strengthening data management, the existing flood forecasting schemes are integrated into a forecasting system. According to the characteristics of river basins and regions, different forecasting methods and models are selected, and parameter rate determination models are combined to formulate flood forecasting schemes. A flood forecast database is established. Through user management, multiple users can carry out flood forecasting at the same time. Taking Jilin province as the boundary, the Shikoumen reservoir is chosen as the representative forecasting station. Through the information processing, the simulation calculation of data forecast is carried out in different time periods, and the flood forecast function of different release standards is realized. Through this study, not only the flood forecast level can be improved, but also the flood forecast period can be shortened, and timely information can be provided for decision-making. After the system is completed, it can not only solve the existing problems of flood forecasting, but also improve the level of utilization of rain and flood resources, and provide support for flood control and optimal allocation of water resources. To ensure food security and ecological civilization in Jilin Province to provide technical support.


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