[Abstract]:With the development of rural economy and the improvement of farmers' living standard, the amount of rural domestic waste is increasing year by year. Because of the weak foundation of environmental management in rural areas, the awareness of environmental protection of residents is not high, and the phenomenon of random garbage disposal is serious. Not only the air quality and environmental beauty in rural areas are seriously affected, but also a large number of pollutants in garbage seep into the ground or into the water body through surface runoff, which has a great impact on the surface environment around the rural areas. Rural domestic refuse has become an urgent problem in rural environmental improvement. At present, the rural domestic waste pollution prevention and technology support is still very weak. First, the breadth and depth of research is not enough. Second, has not yet realized the transformation of research results. But in recent years, the rise of GIS technology and its application in solid waste management make it possible to realize the optimization technology of collection and distribution of rural domestic refuse. The rural garbage collection site layout technology developed by the project, considering the environmental factors such as air pollution, noise pollution, wastewater pollution and other environmental factors, is reasonable to set up garbage collection points. This paper puts forward a simple and feasible method of collecting and distributing points, which can provide powerful technical support for changing the "dirty, messy and poor" situation of rural surrounding environment. Because of the wide range of rural areas in our country and the large difference in the production of domestic refuse, this paper analyzes the intensity of the generation and collection of rural domestic refuse in the typical areas mentioned above, based on the investigation and study of the current situation of garbage generation and collection in Guangdong, Heilongjiang and Sichuan provinces. Based on the influence of regional differences, energy structure, economic income and other factors on garbage production and composition, the basic GIS database of rural solid waste collection and distribution model was constructed. According to the characteristics of rural areas, the optimal model of rural domestic waste collection and transportation route is established, which is characterized by the shortest path. And the rural population, garbage production, water body, farmland, water source and road conditions are all taken into account in the network database. Finally, the Arcgis software is used to optimize the layout selection of garbage collection. The method of optimizing the distribution of rural domestic refuse collection points can provide effective support for the management department to set up garbage collection points in rural areas. The results of the optimization of rural garbage collection points in typical areas show that the garbage collection sites in northern China should be set up more than the open areas of villages. For the rural areas in the developed areas of southern China, the number of rural solid waste collection points can be appropriately increased in order to meet the needs of a large number of rural domestic waste stowage in combination with the landform of local refuse production. However, due to the undeveloped economy and the low production of domestic waste, the rural areas in the western region should try their best to use the program to calculate the most advantages, which can save the financial investment and achieve the due effect at the same time. The practical operation shows that this method can show the optimization result simply and intuitively, and has strong universal usage and maneuverability.
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