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发布时间:2018-11-09 11:12
【摘要】:针对当前雨量监测和预警中存在的数据现势性差、准确性低的问题,本文以北京市西城区为例,建设由34个监测点组成的自主雨情监测网络,并通过无线网络实时传输降雨量数据,摆脱了当前城市防汛监测和预警中对于气象数据的过分依赖,同时提高了监测的针对性和精确性。在此基础上研发了基于GIS的城市雨量实时监控与预警系统,实现了城市雨情的丰富展现、图形空间分析、预警预报等功能,为城市防汛精细化管理提供可靠、准确的实时雨情信息支持。基于GIS的城市雨量实时监控与预警系统主要由雨量传输与接收系统、后台计算与前端展现系统以及短信预警系统三大系统构成。 雨量传输与接收系统实现了基于GPRS技术的雨量数据实时传输,前端为雨量传感器和雨量发送模块,后台为雨量接收模块与数据库,雨量接收模块将前端传送过来的雨量数据分析整理存储到数据库中。后台计算与前端展现系统主要是基于Flex技术开发了具有丰富表现力的WebGIS系统,普通用户可以通过浏览器访问到该系统获取西城区的实时降雨量信息,该WebGIS系统支持地图的漫游、缩放、查询以及分析等功能。短信预警系统主要是基于数据库开发,设置不同的预警等级与触发条件,短信预警系统当降雨到达一定级别时会向相关负责人发送预警信息。 本文立足于城市的地形与降雨特点,以北京市西城区为例,基于GPRS无线传输技术、GIS技术以及物联网技术,开发了西城区降雨量实时监控与预警系统。在实际的应用中取得了良好的效果。该系统不仅实现了实时雨情监视、雨情查询、短息预警等功能,,而且通过对降雨数据的区域分析可以和城市管理相结合,为政府决策者提供科学依据,最大限度的减少因暴雨积水而给城市带来的损失。
[Abstract]:In view of the problems of poor present situation and low accuracy in rainfall monitoring and early warning, this paper takes Xicheng District of Beijing as an example to build an independent rain monitoring network composed of 34 monitoring points. Through wireless network, rainfall data are transmitted in real time, which can get rid of the excessive dependence on meteorological data in current urban flood control monitoring and early warning, and improve the pertinence and accuracy of monitoring. On this basis, a real-time monitoring and warning system of urban rainfall based on GIS is developed, which realizes the functions of urban rain situation rich display, graphic space analysis, early warning and forecast, and provides reliable for the fine management of urban flood control. Accurate real-time rain information support. The real-time monitoring and warning system of urban rainfall based on GIS is mainly composed of three systems: rainfall transmission and receiving system, background computing and front-end display system and short message warning system. The rainfall transmission and receiving system realizes the real-time transmission of rainfall data based on GPRS technology. The front end is rainfall sensor and rainfall sending module, and the background is rainfall receiving module and database. The rainfall receiving module stores the rainfall data from the front end to the database. The backstage computing and front-end display system is mainly based on Flex technology to develop a WebGIS system with rich expressive power. Ordinary users can access the system through browser to obtain real-time rainfall information of Xicheng District. The WebGIS system supports map roaming. Zoom, query, analysis and other functions. Short message early warning system is mainly based on database development, setting up different warning levels and trigger conditions. When rainfall reaches a certain level, SMS early warning system will send early warning information to relevant officials. Based on the characteristics of urban topography and rainfall, taking Xicheng District of Beijing as an example, based on GPRS wireless transmission technology, GIS technology and Internet of things technology, a real-time rainfall monitoring and early warning system in Xicheng District is developed. Good results have been obtained in practical application. The system not only realizes the functions of real-time rain monitoring, rainstorm inquiry, short warning and so on, but also provides scientific basis for government decision makers by combining the regional analysis of rainfall data with urban management. Minimize the damage to the city caused by heavy rain.


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