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发布时间:2019-01-18 11:52
【摘要】:计划生育是我国在社会主义初级阶段需要长期坚持的一项基本国策。信息技术的高速发展对于国家计生部门有效管理人口信息、全面统筹人口政策提供了高效便捷的工具[1]。随着城市规模的扩大、城镇化进程的不断加快,城市的流动人口、特殊人群急剧增多,计划生育管理的繁琐复杂程度越来越高,怎样才能快速高效的发现和处理计划生育工作中出现的问题,成为计划生育工作者热切关注的问题[2],同时也是信息系统技术研究的热点问题。 本文结合作者在职工作的烟台市莱山区地处城乡结合部的特点,采用基于GIS的地理信息技术和社区网格化技术,,分析研究计划生育信息管理系统,并以烟台市莱山区为应用,设计了适合该类地区特点的计划生育信息管理系统。 论文主要研究工作是: 1、针对当前计生系统存在的只能覆盖平面信息,尚无法对于以小区、高层建筑为主垂直地理信息进行展现和比较的缺点,提出了将GIS(GeographicInformation System或Geo-Information system)等地理信息技术运用到计生系统中,设计出了一种比GIS更为精确和细致的系统管理方法来提高计生工作的效率。 2、借助于GIS的地理信息技术分析方法,对于小区内垂直的单元住宅信息进行展现,尝试采用J2EE的MVC设计模式,使用三层架构,对以地理地貌等图片信息为主体的数据展现进行良好的设计与分析。 3、以社区平面网格图和育龄妇女信息数据源为基础,以“全貌划片、楼况显示、户况详实、分类概况明晰”为设计理念,以动态、形象、直观的平面网格图形式,为区、街、居三级计生部门提供管理与服务对象的概况、分布及个案信息,目的为大大减轻基层人口和计划生育管理人员的工作量,提高了基层人口和计划生育管理人员的办事效率和工作水平。
[Abstract]:Family planning is a basic national policy that our country needs to adhere to for a long time in the primary stage of socialism. The rapid development of information technology provides an efficient and convenient tool for the national family planning department to effectively manage population information and overall plan population policy [1]. With the expansion of the city scale and the acceleration of the urbanization process, the floating population and special population of the city increase sharply, and the complexity of family planning management becomes more and more complicated. How to find and deal with the problems in family planning work quickly and efficiently has become a hot issue for family planning workers [2], and it is also a hot issue in the research of information system technology. Based on the characteristics of Laishan District, Yantai City, which is located in the combination of urban and rural areas, this paper analyzes and studies the information management system of family planning based on the geographical information technology based on GIS and the technology of community gridding, and takes Laishan District of Yantai City as the application. A family planning information management system suitable for this kind of area is designed. The main research work of this paper is as follows: 1. Aiming at the shortcomings of the current family planning system which can only cover the plane information, it is not able to display and compare the vertical geographic information mainly in the residential area and the high-rise building. This paper puts forward a more accurate and detailed system management method to improve the efficiency of family planning work by applying the geographic information technology such as GIS (GeographicInformation System or Geo-Information system to the family planning system and designing a more accurate and meticulous system management method than GIS. 2. With the help of GIS's geographic information technology analysis method, the vertical unit housing information in the community is displayed. The MVC design pattern of J2EE is used, and the three-tier structure is used. Good design and analysis are carried out for the data display based on the image information such as geography and geomorphology. 3. Based on the community plane grid map and the information data source of women of childbearing age, with the design idea of "full picture drawing, building condition display, detailed household condition, clear classification general situation" as the design idea, and taking the dynamic, image and intuitive plane grid chart form as the district and street, In order to greatly reduce the workload of the grass-roots population and family planning administrators, the third class family planning department provides general information, distribution and case information on the management and service objects. The work efficiency and work level of the grassroots population and family planning management personnel have been improved.


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