[Abstract]:After the Development Plan of Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone was approved and implemented by the State Council in 2008, a large number of large-scale projects and industrial bases were built in the coastal areas of Beibu Gulf at an unprecedented scale and speed. In order to solve the shortage of land resources, Beibu Gulf began a large-scale reclamation project. In order to avoid the potential geological hazards of reclamation engineering and cooperate with the development and construction of Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone, it is a valuable study to establish a risk assessment system for geological hazards of reclamation in Beibu Gulf. Based on the key project of Guangxi Science and Technology "Research on Geological hazards of Beibu Gulf Reclamation and Land Construction Project in Guangxi", based on the study of engineering geological conditions in Beibu Gulf reclaimed land area, the distribution of common geological disasters and the analysis of its disaster mechanism, a risk assessment system for geological hazards of reclamation in Beibu Gulf based on geographic information system (Geographic Information System, GIS) is established by using the information model. The main contents of this paper are as follows: 1. The formation conditions of geological disasters of reclamation in Beibu Gulf are studied and the development mechanism is analyzed. On this basis, taking the 100000 ton wharf reclamation project in Tieshan Port of Beihai as an example, the analysis shows that the main factors affecting the land subsidence disaster in this area are the depth and load of reclamation. 2. The risk assessment system of geological hazards for reclamation in Beibu Gulf is established. Taking ArcGIS Engine,Visual Studio2008 as the development platform, the object-oriented programming of SQL Server database and VC language is used to establish the risk assessment system of geological hazards for reclamation in Beibu Gulf. Through man-machine dialogue, firstly, the disaster information management and query, information data processing and spatial analysis of regional information data in Beibu Gulf reclamation area are realized. The information model is used to realize the risk assessment of geological hazards in the reclamation area of Beibu Gulf, and the efficient management of geological hazard information and evaluation results is realized. 3. The risk of land subsidence disaster in the wharf area of Beihai Tieshan Port area formed by reclamation is evaluated by using the established evaluation system. The evaluation results show that the results are in good agreement with the actual monitoring results, which is worthy of further improvement, popularization and application, and achieve the ultimate goal of early warning and prediction of disaster prevention and mitigation.
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