[Abstract]:3D terrain visualization is a technology that uses computer graphics technology to visually model the terrain data in geographical information, and uses texture, lighting and other augmented reality techniques to reproduce the terrain scene in the real world realistically. 3D terrain visualization is an important research topic in 3D GIS, which has important application value in national defense construction, traffic planning, game development and other fields. With the rapid development of mobile Internet and the popularity of mobile devices, mobile devices are changing the way people access Internet services. With the rapid improvement of the performance of mobile devices, the realization of augmented reality and virtual reality based on mobile devices has become possible. The research and application of terrain visualization based on mobile platform has become a new development trend. In this paper, aiming at the problem of 3D visualization of large-scale terrain and ground data, the terrain simplification technology and terrain multi-resolution rendering technology based on DEM data are studied, and the 3D visualization of terrain class in mobile platform is realized, the 3D modeling technology of land use status map is studied, and a method of constructing land class 3D model quickly is put forward. The main work of this paper is as follows: (1) A terrain simplification algorithm based on quadtree structure is designed. In order to solve the problem of low efficiency of terrain rendering, a terrain simplification algorithm based on quadtree structure is designed, which can effectively reduce the data scale of terrain model and improve the efficiency of terrain rendering. The node evaluation method of terrain simplification algorithm is studied to ensure the visualization effect of terrain while the terrain is simplified. The crack repair technology of multi-resolution model is studied to solve the problem of spatial continuity in terrain rendering. (2) A terrain data organization method based on external memory is proposed. Combined with data compression algorithm and terrain simplification algorithm, a terrain data organization and scheduling method based on height map pyramid is proposed, which compresses terrain data, reduces the measurement of external memory data adjustment, and realizes fast access to local data of large terrain files by maintaining file index. (3) A technical method of constructing ground-like 3D model based on 2D land use status terrain spot and DEM data is proposed. Texture mapping technology and vector rasterization technology are studied. Three-dimensional visualization of ground class is realized by fusion of two-dimensional vector data and three-dimensional terrain model data. Furthermore, the rapid construction technology of land-like spot 3D model is studied, and a technical method of constructing ground-like 3D model is put forward, and the 3D model construction of ground-like spot is realized quickly on the basis of the existing data. Based on the above technical research results, combined with the engineering software development technology, the Android 3D terrain visualization software is designed and developed, and the 3D visualization of the terrain class is realized. The 3D picture rendering of the test software is smooth and the interaction effect is good.
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