Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1. Study Background
1.1.1. Problem Statement
1.1.2. Study Area
1.1.3. Research Hypotheses
1.1.4. Research Aim
1.2. Innovation of the Study
1.3. Key Objectives
1.4. Research Questions
1.5. Methodology
1.6. Dissertation Structure
Chapter 2. GIS and RS Literature Review in the field of Oil Spill
2.1. Marine Oil Spill Detection
2.1.1. Synthetic aperture radar
2.1.2. Optical Sensors
2.1.3. Laser Fluorosensors and passive microwave radiometer
2.2. Oil Spill Management
2.3. Oil Spill Environmental Impact
2.3.1. On land oil spills Environmental Impact
2.3.2. Marine Oil Spills environmental impact
2.4. Oil Spill Environmental Impact Assessment and Simulation Models
2.5. GIS and RS studies in the field of oil spills in Nigeria
2.5.1. Environmental Impact Studies
2.5.2. Environmental Vulnerability and Risk Assessment Studies
Chapter 3. Methodology
3.1. Data acquisition
3.2. Data preparation
3.2.1. Oil spill feature classes creation
3.2.2. Landsat7 and Landsat8 images pre-processing
3.2.3. A comprehensive Petroleum spatial database for OSRAMV creation
3.2.4. SRTM DEM pre-processing
3.3. Vegetation degradation analysis techniques
3.3.1. NDVI
3.3.2. MESMA
3.4. Examine the affected determinants on vegetation degradation
Chapter 4. Vegetation Degradation Analysis
4.1. Vegetation degradation analysis process
4.1.1. NDVI analysis process
4.1.2. MESMA analysis process
4.1.3. Extract Vegetation Degradation inside impacted areas
4.2. Vegetation degradation analysis results
4.2.1. Total NDVI and MESMA results
4.2.2. NDVI and MESMA Net Vegetation Degradation results
4.2.3. Vegetation degradation values inside impacted areas
4.2.4. Vegetation degradation Spatial distribution inside impacted areas
4.2.5. Oil Spill Effect Distance
Chapter 5. Oil Spill Determinants influence on Vegetation Degradation
5.1. Spill incident determinants
5.1.1. Cause of the incident
5.1.2. Time of the incident
5.2. Impacted Area Determinants
5.2.1. Impacted area size
5.2.2. Spill Point Environment
5.2.3. Secondary oil spread environment
5.2.4. Soil type
5.2.5. Size of area burnt by fire
5.3. Oil type and volume determinants
5.3.1. Oil type
5.3.2. Total spilled oil volume
5.3.3. Residual Oil Volume on Site
5.3.4. Spilled oil volume on open water
5.4. Response and recovery timing determinants
5.4.1. Time of response
5.4.2. Time for recovery
5.4.3. Time for cleanup residual impact
5.5. Oil facilities determinants
5.5.1. Facility type
5.5.2. Transportation pipeline size
Chapter 6. Oil Spill Risk Assessment Model for Vegetation(OSRAMV)
6.1. Step one:Create the Elevation Model
6.2. Step two:Create the Topographic Model
6.3. Step three:Create the Hazard Model
6.4. Step four:Create the Final Risk Assessment Model
Chapter 7. Conclusion and Recommendations
7.1. Overview of Key Issues
7.2. Results and achievements
7.3. Suggestions and Recommendations
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