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发布时间:2018-01-04 22:08

  本文关键词:钢悬链线立管触地区管土作用分析 出处:《大连理工大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 钢悬链线立管 触地区 摩擦系数 土壤粒径

[Abstract]:A steel catenary riser pipe application in ocean engineering widely. Hot spots as the fatigue damage occurred, between the steel catenary riser contact area and seabed soil interaction in the axial and lateral directions are mainly affected by the friction of the seabed soil, which caused serious fatigue damage. The calculation of friction resistance mainly depends on the vertical tube the coefficient of friction between the contact area and the seabed. Because the soil structure is uncertain, so the friction coefficient used in the calculation process is an empirical value, or according to the friction coefficient range from 0.6 to 0.8. numerical codes take such a broad calculation results often lead to misalignment, predict the fatigue life of the riser and the contact area of the estimation error. In the study, according to the characteristics of the typical Chinese area, configuration of different soil particle size distribution of 5. Vertical pipe model and a design and production of 6 different parameters such as diameter and weight Experimental apparatus, pulling in the experimental soil model of riser riser, measuring the friction coefficient between model and soil. According to the statistical analysis of 600 groups of experimental results, the friction coefficient of the probability distribution, the size of the coefficient of friction, friction coefficient and coefficient of variation of soil particle size, the riser weight relationship between the diameter of tube model and Li. Experimental results show that the vertical tube and the coefficient of friction between the soil and soil particle size and have a greater relationship riser weight, friction coefficient increases with soil particle size increases with the increase of weight of the stand pipe and a small decrease. The experiment results are summarized, and put forward a simple stand pipe soil interaction model, and the fitted friction coefficient in the range of different particle size in the soil curve, as long as know the local soil particle size information, you can quickly check the friction coefficient range. Compared with the former application The range of friction coefficient, the results obtained in this study are more accurate, and can provide reference for the calculation of riser.



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