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发布时间:2018-01-11 00:22

  本文关键词:厦门湾及其邻近海域富营养化特征分析与评价 出处:《国家海洋局第三海洋研究所》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 厦门湾 邻近海域 富营养化 评价体系

【摘要】:近岸海域富营养化是一个影响社会经济可持续发展的海洋生态环境问题,具有典型的学科交叉性。本文选取厦门湾及其邻近海域作为研究对象,,参考国际上主流的第二代富营养化评价体系并结合我国近海富营养化研究现状,构建符合研究海域生态环境特点的富营养化评价体系,并对本海域富营养化特征状况进行分析与评价,以便海洋管理部门对本研究海域富营养化进行实时监控与管理。与此同时,应用“NOWPAP”富营养化综合评价体系与之进行比对,以期能更好地优化和完善本文建立的富营养化评价体系。基于上述思想,本文的主要结论有: (1)2013年研究海域DIN平均含量总体较高,除8月份以外,其它月份均超过第四类海水水质标准;研究区内DIP平均含量同样除8月份以外均超过第四类海水水质标准,研究区内COD和DO平均含量均处于一类海水水质标准,Chla平均含量除8月份较高以外,其他月份相对较低。 (2)近30年来,研究海域DIN、DIP平均含量变化趋势均呈不同程度的上升趋势,与20世纪末期相比,西海域、九龙江口、东部海域、同安湾内水体DIN平均含量分别增加了2.98倍、4.54倍、1.57倍以及4.29倍;DIP平均含量分别增加了2.07倍、1.71倍、1.31倍以及3.00倍。 (3)构建符合本研究区的多参数富营养化评价体系,并应用其对本研究海域富营养化状况进行分析与评价,评价结果表明:本研究海域水体富营养化压力等级为“中高”级,富营养化状态评价等级为“中”级,富营养化趋势评价等级为“中”级,其综合富营养化评价等级为“中”级(2-3-3)。 (4)应用NOWPAP富营养化综合评价体系对本研究海域进行评价,评价结果表明:西海域内四类评价指标的评价结果为“HI、HD、LN、LN”;九龙江口内四类评价指标的评价结果为“HI、LN、LN、LN”;同安湾内四类评价指标的评价结果为“HN、HI、LN、LN”;南部海域内四类评价指标的评价结果为“HD、LN、LN、LN”;东部海域内四类评价指标的评价结果为“HN、LI、LN、LN”;大嶝海域内四类评价指标的评价结果为“LI、LN、LN、LN”。
[Abstract]:Eutrophication in coastal waters is a problem of marine ecological environment which affects the sustainable development of social economy and has a typical interdisciplinary nature. This paper selects Xiamen Bay and its adjacent sea area as the research object. Referring to the international mainstream of the second generation eutrophication evaluation system and combined with the status quo of offshore eutrophication research in China, the eutrophication evaluation system which accords with the characteristics of the ecological environment in the study area is constructed. And the eutrophication characteristics of the sea area are analyzed and evaluated, so that the marine management department can monitor and manage the eutrophication in real time. The comprehensive evaluation system of "NOWPAP" eutrophication is compared with it in order to optimize and perfect the eutrophication evaluation system established in this paper. Based on the above ideas, the main conclusions of this paper are as follows: (1) the average content of DIN in the study area in 2013 was higher than that in other months except August, and the water quality standards of 4th kinds of seawater were exceeded in other months. The average content of DIP in the study area also exceeded 4th kinds of seawater water quality standards except in August, and the average contents of COD and do in the study area were all in the first class seawater water quality standard. The average Chla content was relatively low in other months except August. (2) in the last 30 years, the average dip content in the studied sea areas showed an increasing trend to varying degrees, compared with the end of 20th century, the west sea area, the Jiulong River Estuary and the eastern sea area. In Tongan Bay, the average content of DIN increased by 2.98 times, 4.54 times and 4.29 times, respectively. The average content of DIP increased 2.07 times, 1.71 times, 1.31 times and 3.00 times, respectively. 3) to construct a multi-parameter eutrophication evaluation system in accordance with the study area, and use it to analyze and evaluate the eutrophication status of the study area. The results show that the eutrophication pressure grade is "medium" grade, eutrophication status evaluation grade is "medium" grade, eutrophication trend evaluation grade is "medium" grade. Its comprehensive eutrophication evaluation grade is "middle" grade 2-3-3. (4) the NOWPAP eutrophication comprehensive evaluation system was applied to evaluate the study area. The evaluation results showed that the evaluation results of four kinds of evaluation indexes in the West Sea region were "HIHD-HDN LNN LN"; The evaluation results of four kinds of evaluation indexes in Jiulong River Estuary are "HILNN LNN LN"; The evaluation results of four kinds of evaluation indexes in Tongan Bay are "HNNHHIHYLNNNU LN"; The evaluation results of the four kinds of evaluation indexes in the southern sea area are "HDLN LNU LN"; The evaluation results of the four kinds of evaluation indexes in the eastern sea area are "HNN LILI LNU LN"; The evaluation results of four kinds of evaluation indexes in Dadeng sea area are "LI LNN LNU LN".


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