本文关键词: 关联规则 事件挖掘算法 海洋异常事件 太平洋 出处:《重庆交通大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Data mining and knowledge discovery is extracted from the large-scale data potential, a subject of valuable information, which combines statistics, computer science, advanced management science. Nowadays, this technology has been fully developed and applied, and has become the most effective method for massive data information extraction. With the interaction between the various disciplines of the deepening, the data mining technology to cross research with other disciplines in the academic field and business field has received extensive attention. The related research of geographical events has been fully developed in geography. A geographical event model is proposed, which greatly enrich the research field mining. In the field of geographical events, a large number of experts and scholars in different research direction, put forward different geographical event mining algorithm. Ocean mining is a geographical event One of the most important research direction of event mining, the research has important scientific significance and practical significance for the study of regional air sea interaction and global climate change! This paper respectively from the data mining and marine abnormal events of the two aspects, in the mining of geographic events and association rules analysis, according to the continuity of marine phenomena the proposed mining algorithm of two marine abnormal events association rules, and then select the various Pacific Ocean Environment Elements active as the research object, for example mining. The main work is divided into several parts as follows: (1) the research current situation and geographical events in mining association rules of data mining are introduced in detail the research status of the geographical events including research situation and research status of geographical events geographical event model in mining area. (2) describes space-time transaction table event oriented mining process. First introduced on the concept and definition of the related marine environment, and then introduces the process of marine elements abnormal state extraction, including extraction of monthly anomaly, marine elements discretization and single moment extraction. Finally the abnormal state of the ocean elements this time, the transaction table constructed on the basis of the above, and given the transaction table method for noise elimination. (3) proposed association rule mining algorithm dealing with marine abnormal events. The core idea of Apriori algorithm, this paper gives the classical association rules mining, which is based on the support degree is determined according to the frequent itemsets. Confidence determines the strong association rules. On this basis, combined with the background of the marine environment are two association rules mining algorithm: for the common occurrence of events and CE-ARMA algorithm for non synchronization The MAETP-ARMA algorithm of events. For the CE-ARMA algorithm, the related concepts and definitions, the given algorithm secondly, difference and relation are given with the Apriori algorithm, and then the detailed design process are given, finally, by way of example to illustrate the operation process of the algorithm. For MAETP-ARMA algorithm, some basic concepts related to the algorithm are given secondly, a detailed description of the algorithm and the difference algorithm, then the algorithm design steps, finally, the operation process is still in the instance of the way to express the algorithm. The two algorithm though Apriori algorithm with "link - pruning" characteristics, but are solved by the Apriori prototype algorithm can not handle abnormal events the continuity of the problem. (4) associated with global climate change and regional ocean atmosphere interaction in most Pacific region close to the study area, Association rules mining and association rules analysis between typical events are done by using marine environmental data such as sea surface temperature and sea surface height anomaly. Finally, the algorithm is analyzed from time complexity and algorithm efficiency.
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