本文选题:诊断模型 切入点:跨陆坡运动 出处:《热带海洋学报》2016年06期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:基于普林斯顿海洋模式(POM),利用全球海洋温盐集(WOA13)气候态温盐数据对南海环流进行诊断计算,分析东沙海区冬季气候态跨陆坡运动特征。诊断结果表明:跨陆坡运动的水平和垂向断面分布,反映出该海区跨陆坡运动存在反对称结构,即东沙岛以东向陆架方向运动、以西向外洋方向运动。根据正压涡度平衡方程逐项分析,探讨了东沙海区跨陆坡运动的动力机制,研究表明:地形与斜压联合效应项(joint effect of baroclinicity and bottom relief,JEBAR)和地转位势涡度平流项(advection of the geostrophic potential vorticity,APV)主导了涡度平衡,平流项和扩散项作用次之,且JEBAR、APV及平流扩散各项在东沙岛东西两侧均表现为正负号相反分布;相比而言,海表风应力项和海底摩擦力项的影响为小量。东沙海区密度场相对于地形的不均匀分布,使得东沙以东JEBAR分布为正、以西JEBAR分布为负,这种分布是导致反对称的跨陆坡运动发生的主要内在机制,且东沙岛地形和不均匀密度场分布是这种动力机制得以维持的主要原因。
[Abstract]:Based on the Princeton Ocean Model (POM), a diagnostic calculation of the South China Sea circulation is carried out by using the global ocean temperature and salt collection (WOA13) climate temperature and salt data. The characteristics of winter climatic transcontinental movement in Dongsha sea area are analyzed. The diagnostic results show that the horizontal and vertical distribution of the transcontinental slope movement reflects the existence of antisymmetric structure in the transcontinental slope movement, that is, the East of Dongsha Island moves towards the continental shelf. On the basis of barotropic vorticity equilibrium equation, the dynamic mechanism of transcontinental slope movement in Dongsha sea area is discussed. The results show that the joint effect of baroclinicity and bottom reliability (JEBARR) and geostrophic potential vorticity advection of the geostrophic potential vorticity (APVs) dominate vorticity balance, and advection of advection of the geostrophic potential vorticity (APV) dominate vorticity balance, and advection term and diffusion term take the second place. In contrast, the influence of sea surface wind stress term and sea bottom friction term is small, and the density field of Dongsha sea area is not uniform distribution relative to topography, and the distribution of sea surface wind stress term and sea bottom friction force term is small, and the distribution of sea surface wind stress term and sea bottom friction force term is small, and the distribution of sea surface wind stress term and sea bottom friction force term is small. The distribution of JEBAR to the east of Dongsha is positive, and the distribution of JEBAR to the west is negative. This distribution is the main internal mechanism leading to the occurrence of anti-claimed cross-slope movement. The topography and uneven density field distribution in Dongsha Island are the main reasons for the maintenance of this dynamic mechanism.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院南海海洋研究所热带海洋环境国家重点实验室;中国科学院大学;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(41349907、41376026、41406038、41430968) 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项项目(A类)(XDA11030302)~~
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