本文选题:东海黑潮 切入点:月际变化 出处:《上海师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:使用美国国家海洋大气管理局(NOAA)发布的的年平均、月平均盐度资料,结合美国国家地球物理数据中心(NGDC)发布的全球地形数据,采用Matlab计算机数据插值处理,可视化等技术手段对东海黑潮整个流路的盐度分布特征、琉球群岛两侧水交换、外部淡水对东海黑潮西侧水的入侵等方面进行分析,主要得出以下结论: (1)在0~500m的海区,大致可以分为三层,上层低盐水,中层高盐水和下层次高盐水。从入口到出口上层低盐水的变化是最明显,最剧烈的,低盐水主要分布在100米以浅的上层海区,各断面盐度各月有着明显的生消过程,存在三个阶段:成长期,强盛期和消衰期。中层高盐水各切面间的变化很明显,但单一切面12个月之间的变化不是很明显;下层次高盐水各断面各月的变化均不明显。 (2)东海黑潮0~500m水域盐度值存在差异:以各层平均值来描述其盐度值分布状况,各层均不低于33.8psu,各月均是在150m盐度平均值达到最高,接近34.8psu;此外,150m以深海域盐度各月平均值均随深度增加而逐渐减少。但150m以深海水盐度各月大小相近,几乎不存在差别。 (3)东海黑潮区0~500m水域盐度值的水平空间差异:l00m层以浅水层偏高盐水主要分布在琉球群岛西侧甚至延伸到九州岛西南部的大部分区域;其中自表层随着深度增加偏高盐水区域逐渐南撤,到l00m深处在九州岛附近无分布;150m层开始随深度增加偏高盐水区域分布范围不断南撤东缩至琉球群岛西侧的东海黑潮主体东侧狭长水域及台湾东侧海域;在400m以深,台湾以东区域的偏高盐区基本消失,主要分布在琉球群岛西侧的东海黑潮区东侧区域;自6月至12月500m层的偏高盐区除了琉球群岛西侧狭长海域外,在九州岛西南海域也有分布。 (4)琉球群岛两侧海流因地形因素而存在交换,500m以浅海水交换以琉球群岛东侧高盐水对东海黑潮水的入侵为主。40~280m层均有高盐水出现,其中100~200m层是强度较大的一段水层,并且各月均是150m层强度最大,说明150m层是0~500m水域高盐水入侵的核心。琉球群岛东侧高盐水对东海黑潮的入侵在3、5、6、9、10、11月较强,4、12月较弱。 (5)琉球群岛东侧高盐水入侵东海黑潮主要通过5个不同水道,分别是与那国岛以南的水道,与那国岛-石垣岛-宫古列岛之间的水道,宫古海峡的水道,冲绳岛-奄美大岛之间的水道,奄美大岛东侧水道。自南向北各水道年入侵强度逐渐减弱,水道3、4年入侵强度变化趋势相对来说相差不大,同时各月各水道的入侵也各有特色。各月总体过程线起伏较大,入侵强度差异明显。 (6)外部淡水对东海黑潮的影响,可以从偏低盐区范围上看出:各月均是自表层至100m层范围逐渐减小,在100m层甚至趋近于零;1、2、3月范围随深度的变化曲线相近,在表层范围均低于500个网格,随深度的增加范围持续均匀减少,至100m层均趋于零;7、8、9、10月随深度变化曲线也一致,在表层各月范围均达到最大值,并且在40m以浅范围变化不大,40m~90m则表现出较大的递减趋势;4、5、6月以及11、12月均表现出了明显的过渡性,其中4—6月偏低盐区范围在70m以浅海域都是逐渐递减率较大,70m以深递减率减小;同时可以看出从4月至6月各层范围逐渐增加,而11、12月则刚好相反,40m以浅区域递减率较小,至40m以深水层递减率较大。 (7)据淡水来源不同将整个东海黑潮西侧偏低盐区分为台湾东侧海域(F1)、经纬度范围在大约27。-300N,124。-1280E的黑潮海域(F2)、九州岛西南侧海域(F3)三区域,这三个区域具有与总体偏低盐区相似的特征,各月均是自表层至l00m层淡水区范围逐渐减小,1-3月淡水区范围随深度的变化曲线相近,7-10月也一致,4、5、6月以及11、12月呈现了两个阶段的过渡性;但三区域间也存在差异,F1、F3区域除了7~10月外,在6月表层盐度也达到了最大值:F2区域1-3月自表层至100m层均无低盐水的入侵,低盐水入侵最强月份与最弱月份之间的量值差距很大:F3区域只有在5月、12月是过渡月,与总的淡水区相比,4月具有1-3月的部分特性,6月、11月具有7~10月的部分特性。
[Abstract]:The use of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) released the annual average of the monthly average salinity data, combined with the National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) global terrain data released by Matlab interpolation, computer data processing technology, visualization of the flow path of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea salinity distribution, water exchange on both sides of the Ryukyu Islands the external invasion of freshwater, on the west side of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea water were analyzed, the main draw the following conclusions:
(1) in the 0 ~ 500m area can be roughly divided into three layers, the upper and middle low salinity, high salt level high saline. Changes from the entrance to the exit and the low saline is the most obvious, the most intense, low salinity water is mainly distributed in the shallow sea in the upper 100 meters, each section of the salinity April has obvious dissipation process, there are three stages: growth stage, mature stage and decay stage. Changes of middle high saline between each section is very obvious, but between the single section of 12 months is not obvious changes; changes under high levels of salt in each section of each month were not obvious.
(2) the Kuroshio in the East China Sea 0 ~ 500m water salinity differences: the average value of each layer to describe the salinity distribution of each layer is not less than 33.8psu, the month is 150m in average salinity reached the highest value, close to 34.8psu; in addition, 150m in deep sea salinity of the monthly average values were increased with depth decreased. But 150m in deep sea water salinity in each month of similar size, there is almost no difference.
(3) the region of the Kuroshio water salinity level 0 ~ space 500m values: l00m layer in the shallow layer of high saline is mainly distributed in the Ryukyu Islands on the west side even extends to most area southwest of Kyushu; with the increase of the depth from the surface in high saline region gradually from south to the depths of no l00m distribution in Kyushu Island; 150m began to increase with the depth of high saline area distribution of the continuous South East to the Ryukyu Islands on the west side of the shrinkage of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea east of the main and narrow waters east of Taiwan waters; in 400m, high salt region east of Taiwan region this disappeared, mainly distributed in the region of the Kuroshio region east of the Ryukyu Islands from June to the West; in December the 500m layer of the high salt area in addition to the Ryukyu Islands on the west side of narrow waters on the island of Kyushu, southwest area also has distribution.
(4) currents on both sides of Ryukyu Islands because of the terrain factors in exchange, 500m with shallow water exchange in the Ryukyu islands east of high salinity intrusion to the Kuroshio..40 ~ 280m layer has high salt water, of which 100 ~ 200m layer is a large aquifer strength, and each month is the strength of 150m layer is the largest. 150m layer is 0 ~ 500m high in the waters of the saltwater intrusion. The invasion of the Ryukyu Islands on the east side of the core high saline on the Kuroshio in the East China Sea is stronger in 3,5,6,9,10,11 months, 4,12 months is weak.
(5) the Ryukyu Islands high on the east side of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea salt water intrusion mainly through 5 different channels, respectively, and that the island country in the south of the waterway, and between the island - Ishigaki - Miyako Island Island waterway, Miyako Island Strait waterway between Okinawa Island - Amami Oshima waterway, Amami Oshima east side from the south to the north of the waterway. Water invasion intensity gradually weakened, channel 3,4 intrusion intensity change trend is relatively less, and the invasion of every month and waterways also have their own characteristics. The overall process of undulating, invasion intensity difference.
(6) the influence of external fresh water to the Kuroshio, as can be seen from the low salt area: each month are from the surface layer to the 100m layer in the 100m layer range decreases gradually, or even close to zero; curve with depth range 1,2,3 months is similar to that in the surface range were less than 500 mesh, with the increase of depth the range of uniform reduced to 100m layer tended to zero; 7,8,9,10 curve changes with depth is consistent and reached the maximum value at the surface of each month, and in the range of 40m with shallow little change, 40m ~ 90m showed a decreasing trend of larger; 4,5,6 months and 11,12 months showed obvious transition. 4 - June low salt area in the range of 70m in shallow waters are gradually decreasing rate is larger, 70m deep decline rate decreases; at the same time can be seen from April to June each layer increased gradually, and 11,12 is just on the contrary, 40m in shallow areas of decline rate is smaller The decline rate of 40m in deep water layer is larger.
(7) according to the different sources of freshwater in the Kuroshio in the East China Sea west of low salt is divided into east of Taiwan waters (F1), the latitude and longitude range at about 27.-300N 124.-1280E (F2), the Kuroshio waters southwest of Kyushu (F3) three regions, these three regions have similar characteristics and the overall low salt area, the the average monthly is from the surface to the l00m layer of fresh water area gradually decreases, curves of 1-3 months range of fresh water with depth is similar to that of 7-10 months, showing the two stages of the transitional 4,5,6 months and 11,12 months; but there are differences between the three regions, F1, F3 in 7~10 months, in June the surface salinity also reached the maximum value: the invasion of F2 region 1-3 months from the surface layer to the 100m layer were no low saline, low saline water intrusion and the weakest in the month between the strongest value gap: F3 area only in May, December is a transitional month, compared with the total freshwater area, April 1-3 The partial characteristics of the month, June, and November have some characteristics of 7~10 months.
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