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发布时间:2018-05-27 03:06

  本文选题:海上油气开发 + 钻井平台 ; 参考:《中国海洋大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着经济社会的日益发展,人类对能源的需求越来越高。海洋石油资源丰富,目前仍处于勘探开采的初期阶段。在陆地石油资源日益紧张的情况下,人们把目光投向海洋石油的勘探开发。随着海洋石油勘探开发力度的不断增大,其造成的周边海域的污染问题日益受到人们的关注。各种污染物的排出,会不同程度的改变周围海域水质和底质的质量,从而直接或间接的影响到生活在其中的底栖生物。大型底栖生物在海洋生态系统中有着十分重要的生态学意义,是海洋生态系统食物链的重要环节,在海洋食物网的物质循环和能量流动过程中起重要作用,也是水质生物评价指示生物。通过对群落结构的调查,分析研究底栖生物群落的组成特征和变化规律,可以用于对环境质量进行评价。目前,国内有关海上钻井平台的污染影响的研究较少,并且对钻井平台工作全过程的生态环境影响也未见报道。 本研究于2011年9月、11月和12月,分别在钻井平台工作的不同阶段:勘探前阶段、勘探阶段和开采阶段对钻井平台周围布设的15个站位和3个对照站位进行了水质、沉积物和底栖生物的调查,结合PRIMER、SPSS软件对钻井平台附近海域的水质和底质的污染状况、底栖生物群落结构及分布情况进行分析,探讨钻井平台石油勘探开发对临近海域底栖生物群落的影响,为今后对钻井平台的进行环境监测提供参考依据。研究结果如下: 3个航次共鉴定出底栖生物201种。类群包括:环节动物、棘皮动物、节肢动物、纽形动物、软体动物、腔肠动物、嚑门动物、星虫动物等。在各个类群中,以环节动物门的多毛类种类最多,达到114种,占到总种数的56.16%;其次为节肢动物门的甲壳类,56种,占总种数的27.58%;软体动物15种,占7.39%;棘皮动物9种,占4.43%;纽形动物4种,占1.97%;其他类群4种,占1.97%。 调查海域优势种更替现象明显。在勘探前航次和勘探过程航次,排名前十位的优势种中,,多毛类占70%;在开采过程航次,排名前十位的优势种中,软体动物和甲壳类的种类明显增多。钻井平台周边海域大型底栖生物总丰度的航次变化为:勘探前航次(3601.33ind./m2)>开采过程航次(1946.67ind./m2)>勘探过程航次(1474.11ind./m2);生物量的航次变化为勘探前航次(6.65g/m2)>开采过程航次(6.26g/m2)>勘探过程航次(4.07g/m2)。 3个航次4个典型站位的ABC曲线的分析结果显示,勘探前航次,钻井平台临近海域的大型底栖生物群落基本未受扰动;勘探过程航次,距离钻井平台中心较近的大型底栖生物群落受到中等程度的扰动,而距离平台位置稍远的大型底栖生物群落未受扰动;开采过程航次,钻井平台临近海域的大型底栖生物群落基本未受扰动,仅个别站位受到中等程度的扰动。 CLUSTER聚类和MDS标序的分析结果显示,勘探过程航次,钻井平台临近海域可分为两个群落:污染群落和未扰动群落;SIMPER分析显示,两群落间非相似性为68.64%,引起群落间差异的主要种类包括海蛇尾一种1(Ophiuroideasp.1)、拟特须虫(Paralacydonia paradoxa)、不倒翁虫(Sternaspis scutata);ANOSIM检验显示两群落间差异性显著。开采过程航次,钻井平台临近海域可分为两个群落:污染群落和未扰动群落;SIMPER分析显示,两群落间非相似性为54.83%,引起群落间差异的主要种类包括红明樱蛤(Moerella rutila)、海蛇尾一种1(Ophiuroidea sp.1)、红刺尖锥虫(Scoloplos rubra)、明细白樱蛤(Macoma praetexta)、奇异稚齿虫(Paraprionospio pinnata)等;ANOSIM检验显示两群落间差异性显著。 BIOENV和BVSTEP的分析结果显示,勘探过程航次,水质的污染状况和沉积物中Pb的含量与大型底栖生物的群落结构相关性最大,相关系数(Spearman)为0.374;开采过程航次,沉积物的污染状况与大型底栖生物的群落结构相关性最大,相关系数(Spearman)为0.404。 综合分析以上结果可知,海上钻井平台的石油勘探开发对临近海域的大型底栖生物群落产生了中等程度的干扰。随着勘探活动的进行,使其逐渐形成两个界限明显的底栖生物群落。
[Abstract]:With the growing economic and social development, the demand for energy is getting higher and higher. Marine petroleum resources are rich and are still in the initial stage of exploration and exploitation. Under the situation of increasingly tense land oil resources, people put their eyes on the exploration and development of marine oil. With the increasing strength of the exploration and development of marine stone oil, it is caused by the continuous increase in the exploration and development of marine stone oil. The pollution problem in the surrounding sea area is getting more and more attention. The discharge of various pollutants will change the quality of water quality and sediment in the surrounding sea to varying degrees, which directly or indirectly affects the benthos living in it. The macrozoobenthos have very important ecological significance in the marine ecosystem, which are marine ecology. The important part of the system food chain plays an important role in the material circulation and energy flow process of the marine food network. It is also a biological evaluation indicator of water quality. Through the investigation of the community structure, the composition characteristics and change rules of the benthic community are analyzed and studied. It can be used to evaluate the environmental quality. At present, the domestic sea is related to the sea. The impact of drilling platforms on pollution is less, and the impact of the whole process of drilling platform on the ecological environment has not been reported.
In September 2011, November and December, the water quality, sediment and benthic in 15 stations and 3 control stations around the drilling platform were carried out in the pre exploration stage, the exploration stage and the mining stage at the different stages of the drilling platform. The water quality and the water quality in the offshore area near the drilling platform were combined with PRIMER and SPSS software. The pollution of the base, the structure and distribution of the benthic community are analyzed, and the influence of the drilling platform oil exploration and development on the benthic community in the adjacent sea area is discussed, which provides a reference for the environmental monitoring of the drilling platform in the future. The results are as follows:
201 species of benthos were identified by 3 voyages. Groups included: tachyzoans, eanthuses, arthropods, newbods, mollusks, lusks, animals, and insects. In each group, the most species of hairy species, reaching 114 species, accounted for 56.16% of the total species, and then the crustaceans of arthropod doors. There are 56 species, accounting for 27.58% of the total species, 15 species of mollusks, 7.39%, 9 species of acanthosis, 4.43%, NYX 4 species, 1.97%, and 4 species of other species, accounting for 1.97%.
The dominant species in the survey sea area was obvious. Among the top ten dominant species before the exploration voyage and the course of exploration, the predominant species accounted for 70%. In the course of the mining process, the species of mollusks and crustaceans were obviously increased in the top ten of the top ten. The variation of the total abundance of the macrobenthos around the offshore area of the drilling platform was The pre exploration voyage (3601.33ind./m2) > mining process voyage (1946.67ind./m2) > exploration course (1474.11ind./m2); the variation of the voyage of biomass to the pre exploration voyage (6.65g/m2) > the course of the mining process (6.26g/m2) > the voyage of the exploration process (4.07g/m2).
The analysis of the ABC curves of 4 typical stations on 3 voyages showed that the large benthic community in the sea area near the offshore area was not disturbed by the pre exploration voyage, and the large benthic communities near the drilling platform center were disturbed by the medium degree, and the large benthic living far away from the platform position. The community is undisturbed; the course of the mining process, the large benthic community of the drilling platform near the sea area is basically undisturbed, and only a few stations are disturbed by moderate degree.
The results of CLUSTER clustering and MDS sequence analysis showed that in the course of the course of exploration, the drilling platform could be divided into two communities: the contaminated community and the undisturbed community; the SIMPER analysis showed that the non similarity between the two communities was 68.64%, and the main species among the communities, including the sea snake tail, 1 (Ophiuroideasp.1), and the pseudo parasite (Paralacydo) NIA paradoxa), Sternaspis scutata, and ANOSIM test showed that the difference between the two communities was significant. The course of the mining process and the drilling platform near the sea area could be divided into two communities: the contaminated community and the undisturbed community; the SIMPER analysis showed that the non similarity between the two communities was 54.83%, and the main species that caused the difference among the communities included red mining. Clam (Moerella rutila), Mi O a 1 (Ophiuroidea sp.1), prickly prickly (Scoloplos rubra), clam clam (Macoma praetexta), and strange chiliad (Paraprionospio pinnata); ANOSIM test shows that two communities have significant differences.
The results of BIOENV and BVSTEP showed that the course of exploration, the pollution of water quality and the content of Pb in the sediments were the most related to the community structure of large benthos, and the correlation coefficient (Spearman) was 0.374. Arman) is 0.404.
A comprehensive analysis of the above results shows that the petroleum exploration and development of offshore drilling platform has a moderate degree of disturbance to the large benthic community in the adjacent sea area. With the exploration activities, it gradually forms two benthic benthic communities.


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