[Abstract]:The continental shelf sediments are an important place for the deposition and mineralization of organic matter and an important carrier of energy conversion and material circulation during early diagenesis. Sulfate reduction is very important in the early diagenesis of organic matter. It is estimated that the contribution of sulfate reduction to the mineralization of organic matter is higher than that of the 50%. shelf sedimentary environment as well as pyrite. The early diagenesis of sulfur and iron directly affects the circulation of C, P and trace elements in marine sediments, which has important geochemical significance. In addition, the difference in the structure of aquaculture will also affect the distribution of sulfide. Conversely, when sulphides accumulate to a certain range, the culture environment will also be harmful. After studying the morphological characteristics and influencing factors of the reduction of inorganic sulfur in the sediments of Huang Donghai and Sangou Bay, the following conclusions are drawn: 1. the content range of acid volatile sulfur (AVS) in the sediments of the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea and Sangou Bay is 0.01-17.14 mol/g, and the vertical distribution of 0.01-25.02 mu mol/g and 0.20-12.56 mu mol/g. is shown as the surface layer. The content of the.T02 station in the East China Sea is very low. The content of AVS in the East China Sea T10 station is very low, and the AVS content of the.T02 station in the sand deposit may increase with the increase of depth, and there is no peak value. This may be caused by the shallow mining depth. The content of the elemental sulfur (ES) in the 5-20 regions is probably contained. The range of quantity is 0.02-44.40 mu mol/g, 0.14-27.75 mu mol/g and 0.16-1.10 mu mol/g. are lower in the upper 10 cm, and then increase with the depth. The overall level of San Gou Bay ES is low, especially in the bay mouth area. The content range of pyrite sulphur (pyrite-S) in the three regions is divided into 0.61-113.1 um mol/g, 0.61-93.95 Muu The pyrite-S content of 5 cm on the upper level of.52 mu mol/g. is low, and then increases with the depth. The proportion of pyrite-S content in the sediments of the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea and Sangou Bay is 16.1-99.0%, 22.0-97.7% and 58.2-96.9%, respectively, 72.5%, 64.7% and 85%, respectively. The main forms of the reduction of inorganic sulfur. The AVS content of the LDH and Wetland stations adjacent to Sangou Bay is 264.72 and 191.64 mu mol/g, respectively, and there is a significant positive correlation between ES and pyrite-S at the two stations (r=0.84, P0.05; n=37), indicating that the formation of pyrite-S is based on the majority of sulfides in.2. the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea, and Sangou Bay. The ratio of the station AVS/pyrite-S is less than 0.3, reflecting that AVS can be effectively converted into P01 in the East China Sea, and the AVS/pyrite-S ratio of T06,38 and 35 stations increases continuously between 30 cm and 10 cm, indicating the transition from the sedimentary environment to the strong reduction environment or to the frequently occurring hypoxic or anaerobic environment during this period. The ST1 station (5 cm) and Wetland station in the Bay lack ES, which is unfavorable to the conversion of AVS to pyrite-S in.3. the Yellow Sea, and the content range of active iron in the sediments of the East China Sea and Sangou Bay is 11.44-175.50 u mol/g, 14.98-260.71, mol/g and 17.79-148.26 muon. The average value is 71.78 mu, 100.38 Mu and 56.46 + 21.26 micron. The content of active iron in most sites of l/g is higher than that of pyrite iron (Fepy), and its pyrite mineralization degree (DOP) is less than 0.6, which reflects that the content of active iron does not restrict the formation of pyrite. The DOP of the surface sediments is lower (0.2), lower than that of normal marine sediments, but the content of active iron is much higher than that of pyrite iron (Fepy), and sulphuric acid is in the range of sampling depth. There is no obvious loss of salt content, indicating that the limiting factor of pyrite formation is not the content of active iron, but the amount of active organic matter in essence. Although the content of active iron in the C02 and A08 stations in the Yellow Sea is low, the formation of pyrite-S is not limited by the content of active iron, indicating that the formation of pyrite in these two stations is also subject to the formation of pyrite. The content of sulfide content is limited to 84.2% of the active iron content of.A04 station with the increase of depth, which is below 20cm, and its DOP value is higher than 0.65. It shows that the low active iron content at the bottom of the station will limit the formation of pyritc-S. In addition, the content of active iron in LDH and Wetland station adjacent to Sangou Bay is 20.80-197.86 u mol/g. The amount of 15cm in the upper layer decreases with the increase of depth, and then the DOP of the.LDH station increases with the increase of depth, and is higher than 0.65 from 7 cm, indicating that the formation of pyrite at this station will be restricted by the content of active iron. This may be due to the high sulfate reduction rate at the bottom of the station, which is caused by.4. the Yellow Sea, east of the station. The sulphate content in the pore water of the sea and Sangou Bay is higher than the depth. The sulfate content of the LDH and Wetland stations adjacent to Sangou Bay is low, but the sulfate reduction is not limited. The diffusion flux of sulphate in the pore water of the East China Sea is 0.05-0.57 mmol/m2/d and 0.10-0.48 MMO, respectively. L/m2/d, and the increase of the distance from the shore presents a downward trend. The diffusion flux of sulfate in the pore water of the East China Sea is also affected by the rate of sulfate reduction. The sulphate reduction rate (SRR) of the sediments in the East China Sea is 1.06-8.85 M/d and 2.00-40.60 M/d respectively, and presents an exponential decline with the increase of the depth. In addition, SRR is followed by SRR. With the increase of TOC content, the integral rate range of sulfate reduction of 28cm in the upper layer of the East China Sea is 0.36-0.94 mmol/m2/d and 0.91-4.34mmol/m2/d respectively. The contribution of sulfate reduction to organic matter mineralization is 12.8-42.7% and 36.8-60.2% respectively, indicating that sulfate is also important for the mineralization of organic matter in the Huang Donghai sediments. The SRR of Sangou Bay is 1.89 mmol/m2/d, and its contribution to the mineralization of organic matter is 42.1% and the SRR of the Wetland station is 3.22 mmol/m2/d. The contribution of the sediment to the mineralization of organic matter is a significant negative correlation between the reduced inorganic sulfur content in the sediment of 20.7%.5. Sangou Bay and the dissolved oxygen in the near bottom sea water, but it has a positive correlation with the organic matter content. The organic matter in the scallop single breeding area and the scallop and the kelp mixed area is higher than that of the marine aquaculture area, which leads to the higher reduction inorganic sulfur content in the scallop single breeding area and the scallop and the Laminaria mixed zone. Compared with the oyster single breeding area, the lower organic matter in the scallop and the kelp mixed zone is lower. And the reduction of inorganic sulfur content showed the environmental superiority of the mixed culture model. In a word, years of aquaculture did not have a significant effect on the accumulation of sulfides and the benthic environment in Sangou Bay.
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