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发布时间:2018-07-17 06:18
[Abstract]:Eutrophication in coastal waters is an important problem in many coastal areas. Accurate evaluation and prediction of eutrophication of water body and reasonable analysis of its law and influencing factors can provide scientific basis for controlling and improving the ecological environment of coastal zone. As one of the super large cities in the economic circle of the Bohai Sea, the rapid development of Tianjin's economy makes the ecological environment of its adjacent Bohai Bay face increasing pressure, and the eutrophication problem in the sea area is prominent. In this paper, the study of eutrophication in Tianjin sea area is carried out. In this paper, a hydrodynamic model and a water quality model are established along the integration of water depth. The residual current field in Tianjin sea area and the transport path of pollutants discharged from land-based sources along the coast of Tianjin are simulated. The results show that the overall characteristics of the residual current field in the four seasons of Tianjin sea area are basically the same: there is a pair of two-way circulation in Tianjin sea area, the boundary is Dagu mouth, the southern circulation is clockwise, and the northern circulation is counterclockwise; The migration paths of pollutants released from the nine discharge outlets along the coast of Tianjin are significantly affected by the circulation in the north and south directions, and the trend of transport along the coastal lines is obvious. The main pollution factors and eutrophication degree of Tianjin waters were analyzed by means of comprehensive pollution index method and eutrophication index method. The results showed that: DINPOP _ 3- ~ (3-) -PHOBOD and Pb were the main pollutants, and the eutrophication varied significantly with the seasons. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to extract the main influencing factors on eutrophication in the sea area, and the spatial distribution trends of DINPPO-P and COD of the three principal components were analyzed by spatial interpolation method. The results show that the concentration distribution of eutrophication factors is basically high and low in the offshore sea and low in the north and south, and the characteristics of the belt distribution of the north high and the south low are obvious, which indicates that the discharge of land-based pollutants is an important reason for the water pollution in Tianjin sea area. Based on the field monitoring data of Tianjin sea area, the causality between eutrophication factors and chlorophyll a in Tianjin sea area was identified and verified by using structural equation model (SEM). According to the causality provided by SEM, the eutrophication model of red tide monitoring area in Tianjin sea area was established based on Bayesian network (BN) model. The BN model was tested and evaluated by monitoring data. The results show that compared with physical factors, nutrients have a greater effect on eutrophication in Tianjin Sea area, and inorganic phosphorus has been the limiting factor for phytoplankton growth in Tianjin Sea area in recent years. But silicate has more and more influence on phytoplankton growth.


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