[Abstract]:Based on the POM diagnostic model, the circulation in the South China Sea is diagnosed and calculated by using the GDEM climatic temperature and salt data. The results show that the transcontinental slope movement is common in the northern part of the South China Sea and has obvious spatial distribution characteristics. From the distribution of horizontal and vertical sections, it can be seen that the strong transcontinental movement occurs in the shallow continental slope and the sea area where the seabed topography changes dramatically. The transcontinental movement results in the exchange of water between the nearshore shelf and the ocean, It is estimated that the annual mean value of volume transport across the continental slope along the 200500 and 1000 m isobath sections is 9.4U 15.8U -2.1 Sv, respectively. The annual mean value of the thermal content transport of 0.78 PW, is 0.84kg-0.22 PW, respectively. The annual average value of the volume transport across the continental slope is 342.5575.0- 76.0 Gg s-1, and the annual average value of the volume transport along the 200500 and 1000 m isobaric sections is 342.5575.0- 76.0 Gg s-1, respectively. The convergence or divergence of water between these three sections resulted in significant transcontinental transport. The transcontinental movement is accompanied by both hot and salt transport, that is, a large amount of heat and salt is transported to the continental shelf and a small amount to the ocean. Moreover, there are seasonal differences between winter intensity and summer weakness in the cross-slope transport along the isobath section of 200 and 500m. The sea area between the 500m isobath and the 500m isobath is mainly transcontinental to the continental shelf, while the sea area between the 500m and 500m isobars is mainly transoceanic. The component of transcontinental movement in slope flow can not be ignored, accounting for 15 / 20. The analysis of barotropic vorticity equilibrium equation shows that the combined effects of topography and baroclinic potential vorticity advection convection and diffusion play a major role in the transcontinental slope motion. The interaction between topography and baroclinic is the main factor of the transcontinental slope movement, and the area east of 118 掳E plays a significant role in enhancing the cross-slope movement.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院南海海洋研究所热带海洋环境国家重点实验室;中国科学院大学;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金(41376026,41176027,41349907,41406038) 广东省自然科学基金重点项目(2016A030311042) 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)(XDA11030302)资助
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