[Abstract]:In this study, the mature SWAN model is used to simulate the wave field in Xiamen Bay for 1 year, and the reliability of the model is verified by comparing it with the observed wave data of Pearl Bay at the same time. Based on the calculated results of the model, the distribution characteristics of the mean wave height and wave direction in Xiamen Bay in summer and winter, the wind wave and surge wave composition in Xiamen Bay, and the main wave energy generation and energy dissipation in Pearl Bay are analyzed. The results show that the annual mean effective wave height in Xiamen Bay is smaller and has obvious seasonal variation characteristics. In summer, the average effective wave height in Xiamen Bay is smaller, and the wave direction in the bay is mostly southward, and in winter, the average effective wave height in Xiamen Bay is relatively large. In the north and east sides of Xiamen Island, the wave direction is both NE. The main wind waves in Xiamen Bay are small surges, the wind waves and surges are larger than 3; from the bay outside the bay, the ratio of wind, wave and surge increases gradually, to the south coast of Xiamen Bay and the sea area near Quanzhou Shijing Town. In the eastern and northern sea areas of Xiamen Bay, the wind-wave and surge-to-wave ratios are all above 10. The main energy dissipation process of the waves in Pearl Bay is the energy dissipation caused by bottom friction. Although the wind speed is large in winter, the input energy of wind energy in summer and the energy dissipated by breakup of white cap in summer are both higher than those in winter, because the wave is relatively large in winter. The energy dissipation at the end of summer is less than that in winter.
【作者单位】: 国家海洋局第三海洋研究所;国家海洋局海岛研究中心;
【基金】:国家海洋局第三海洋研究所基本科研业务费资助项目(海三科2014025) 海洋公益性行业科研专项资助项目(201405037-1)
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