[Abstract]:As one of the core components of reverse osmosis seawater desalination project, high pressure pump has an important influence on water production cost, operation and maintenance. High pressure piston pump has the advantages of high efficiency, small volume and long life, so it can be used to reduce energy consumption in small and medium scale reverse osmosis seawater desalination project. However, the inherent pressure and flow pulsation of piston pump cause greater noise, which limits the application of piston pump. There is a certain gap between domestic pressure and flow pulsation control. Therefore, the research on the pulsation of piston pump has high theoretical and practical value. The working principle and noise generation mechanism of piston pump are studied. The movement law of plunger, the main clearance leakage in pump body and the corresponding flow leakage expression are obtained. Based on the analysis of the interface between the plunger cavity and the flow distribution disc at different rotation angles, the formula of flow area is derived. On this basis, it is determined that the fluid in the piston pump is mainly turbulent, and the corresponding CFD simulation model is the standard k- 蔚 model. Then, the CFD simulation analysis fluid model of piston pump is established, the UDF program of plunger motion control is written, and the model is analyzed by CFD analysis software Fluent. The effects of plunger number, tilting angle, cylinder speed, disk structure and load pressure on the flow pulsation at the outlet of the piston pump are studied by CFD simulation. It is found that when the plunger number is odd, the flow pulsation rate of the piston pump outlet is obviously lower than that of the adjacent even number plunger, and with the increase of the plunger number, the flow pulsation rate decreases gradually, and the tilting angle of the plunger pump increases or the cylinder speed increases. The flow pulsation rate of the piston pump increases with the increase of load pressure, and the flow pulsation rate of the piston pump can be reduced by more than 60% after the increase of damping tank in the transition region of the distribution disk. Due to the lack of relevant theoretical guidance, in the study of pressure pulsation in the plunger cavity, the influence factors of the flow pulsation on the pressure pulsation of the plunger cavity are explored according to the analysis method of the flow pulsation. The results show that the effect of parity of plunger number and damping slot on pressure pulsation and flow pulsation is consistent, while the effect of piston pump speed and load pressure on them is opposite. The effect of inclined angle on the pressure fluctuation of plunger cavity has no obvious regularity. Combining the above five factors on the flow pulsation at the outlet of the piston pump, the pressure pulsation of the plunger cavity and the influence law of the displacement, some reference suggestions for the design of the piston pump are given. The width angle and depth angle of the damping slot in the suction and drainage cavity were studied respectively when the structure of the damping slot was optimized. The results show that when the width angle is about 90 掳and the depth angle is about 6 掳, the pressure pulsation and outlet flow pulsation of the plunger cavity are minimum. Under the same flow area, the noise reduction effect of triangular damping tank is better than that of U-shaped damping tank.
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