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发布时间:2018-11-10 20:03
[Abstract]:The process of tropical cyclone involves the coupling of ocean and atmosphere. The stress of gas cyclone causes the surface water flow, the sea surface temperature drops and the surface roughness changes, and the change of upper ocean will give feedback to the development of tropical cyclone. Affects the intensity and path of tropical cyclones. Considering the interaction between atmosphere, ocean and wave in the numerical model of atmosphere, ocean and wave is helpful to improve the prediction accuracy of atmosphere, ocean and wave in the process of tropical cyclone. Using MCT coupler, the mesoscale atmospheric model WRF, 3D unstructured ocean model FVCOM and the third generation ocean wave model SWAN have been preliminarily established, which is further improved in this paper. It is applied to the simulation of actual typhoon process. The main contents and conclusions are as follows: 1. The existing atmospheric ocean-wave real-time coupling model has been improved. The exchange variables between WRF and FVCOM increase the long-wave radiation and shortwave radiation, sensible heat flux and latent heat flux, precipitation and evaporation, and sea surface pressure of WRF model. The effects of cumulus parameterization scheme, microphysical parameterization scheme and short-wave radiation scheme on typhoon intensity and track simulation are analyzed. 2. Selecting reasonable WRF parameters, the coupling model was used to simulate the 2014 Typhoon Weimason and Seagull. The simulated average error of "Weimason" and "Seagull" typhoon track is less than that of 50km and 35km, respectively, and the variation trend of the simulated typhoon intensity first increases and then decreases, which is consistent with the actual situation. The coupling model can reasonably simulate the rightward distribution of typhoon wind field. 3. The coupled model can reasonably simulate the sea surface temperature drop and its rightward, the rotation and rightward of current field and wave field. The maximum cooling temperature of "Weimason" is about 4 掳C, and that of the deep-sea ocean surface near the typhoon track is about 1.4 掳C during the "seagull" process. When the typhoon center is located on the ocean surface of the deep sea, the velocity near the center of the typhoon can reach 2 m / s and the velocity near the center of the typhoon during the seagull process can reach 1.25 m / s. When the typhoon center is located on the ocean surface of deep sea, the maximum effective wave height of "Weimason" process is 14.8 m, and that of "seagull" process is 13.4 m.


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