[Abstract]:Sediment samples from 18 stations (including 4 columnar stations) in Bohai Bay were sampled and analyzed in 2012-10-11. The results showed that 5 major heavy metals (Cr,Cu,Zn,Cd,) Pb) has similar spatial (horizontal) distribution characteristics, that is, the heavy metal content of sediments in the northwestern Bohai Bay and the central Bohai Bay is higher than that in the middle of the Bohai Bay. The degree of heavy metal pollution in sediments was evaluated by the method of geological accumulation index. The results showed that Cd was slightly polluted. By means of correlation analysis and principal component analysis, the sources of pollutants were discussed, and it was speculated that the high mass fraction of heavy metals in northwestern Bohai Bay might be related to the discharge of sewage outlet. According to the characteristics of sediment granularity distribution and the circulation of Bohai Bay, it is inferred that the distribution of heavy metals in sediments is affected by the flow in Bohai Bay and its grain size variation, and the spatial distribution of radionuclide ~ (210) Pb activity is further analyzed. In the high mass fraction region of heavy metals in northwestern and central Bohai Bay, the activity of 210 Pb attenuates regularly with the burial depth and the deposition rate is low, which proves that the sedimentary environment in this area is relatively stable, which is beneficial to the sediment of suspended matter carrying heavy metals.
【作者单位】: 天津大学力学系;河北工业大学海洋科学与工程学院;
【基金】:天津市自然科学基金重点项目——渤海叶绿素分布的年际变化特征及其水动力输运机理(16JCZDJC39400) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划——近海水生态环境数据驱动模型及其在渤海湾的应用(NCET-12-0406)
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