[Abstract]:The global economic downturn and the increasing depletion of land resources make China's economic development face severe challenges. It is urgent to adjust the industrial structure, change the mode of economic growth, develop new industries and establish a new economic growth pole. And vigorously developing marine resources is the trend of global economic development in the future. China is rich in marine resources and has great potential for exploitation, but its marine economic base is relatively weak. Therefore, in March 2011, the 12th Five-Year Plan promulgated by the State proposed to promote the development of the marine economy and raise it to a strategic level. On June 30, 2011, our government approved the establishment of the "Zhoushan Islands New area". As an experimental field for marine economic development, it has become a milestone in the implementation of marine economic development strategy in China. Compared with the land economic circle, the development and construction of marine economy need a lot of investment, but its economic characteristics and financing characteristics are very different. Therefore, we can not inflexibly apply the financing methods in the development of land economy to the development of marine economy in the new area of Zhoushan Archipelago. By analyzing the characteristics of marine economy and its financing characteristics in the new area of Zhoushan Archipelago, this paper compares the present situation of financing in this area to find out its specific problems, and combines the successful experiences of advanced countries and regions in marine economic financing. The initial frame of Zhoushan marine economic financing system is constructed and the countermeasures to realize it are put forward so as to provide sufficient, stable and reliable fund supply for the development of local marine economy.
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