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发布时间:2019-01-06 18:49
[Abstract]:Sea surface height anomaly is the change of instantaneous sea level relative to mean sea level. It is widely used in the study of ocean dynamic phenomena. Satellite altimeter data depend on the advantage of large-scale, all-weather, real-time monitoring of sea surface height change, which provides a very reliable and easy way to obtain global sea surface height anomaly data. The multi-star fusion altimeter data set can improve the spatial resolution and accuracy of sea surface height change observation and provide data guarantee for the study of ocean mesoscale dynamic phenomena. This paper mainly relies on four satellite altimeters which are in orbit at the same time to fuse and process the acquired multi-satellite altimetry data and obtain a unified grid product of sea surface height anomaly. In this paper, the altimeter data of four satellites in orbit, ENVISAT,Jason-1,Jason-2 and HY-2, are used in this paper. The data editing criteria and the correction of geophysical and environmental parameters are used. The altimetry data of some anomalies are eliminated, and the sea surface height outliers of each satellite altimeter data are calculated through some concrete correction models and correction parameters. Then the Jason-2 satellite altimeter is used as the reference orbit to minimize the difference of sea surface height anomaly between the global intersection points and the self-intersection points, and the smooth cubic spline function is used to deal with the ENVISAT,. The orbit error of Jason-1 and HY-2 altimeter is corrected. The results show that the deviation of mutual crossing point is obviously reduced after the correction of orbit error, and the self-intersection error deviation is also reduced. Finally, based on the uniform and accurate data of the four altimeters, the method of temporal and spatial objective analysis is used for the mesh fusion processing, and the uniform global spatial distribution is obtained. The spatiotemporal resolution is (1 / 4) 掳and 7 days, and the regular sea surface height anomaly fusion product. Based on the sea surface height anomaly products fused in this paper, the fusion products distributed at the same time by AVISO in the global and the Northwest Pacific region are compared and verified. The results show that the sea surface height anomaly distribution of the fusion product and the AVISO product is basically the same, and the mean square root value of the sea surface height anomaly deviation of the two products is between 3-4cm, which proves the reliability and accuracy of the fusion sea surface height anomaly product. Finally, based on the mesoscale eddy detection model of the global and northwest Pacific regions, the application capability of the fusion data is tested.


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