[Abstract]:In the Bohai Sea area of China due to the effect of winter sea ice many offshore platforms and other structures have been installed with conical anti-ice structure in the tidal range. This is because many existing research results show that the ice force caused by the bending failure of the ice row in front of the conical structure is much smaller than the ice force produced by the compression failure of the vertical structure. Therefore, the study of the bending failure process of sea ice has become an important subject in ice engineering. At present, the research methods of sea ice bending failure mainly include field test, indoor model test and numerical simulation. With the rapid development of computer technology, numerical simulation has become an important auxiliary research method in this field. But the research of reasonable and effective numerical simulation method is still in the stage of exploration. In this paper, the numerical simulation method for the bending failure of sea ice is studied by theoretical analysis and numerical calculation. The main works are as follows: (1) according to the physical and mechanical properties of sea ice, The existing constitutive models and failure criteria of sea ice are studied, and the constitutive models and failure criteria suitable for the bending stress state of sea ice are discussed. (2) the bending failure process of annular ice row and the process of interaction between ice row and pyramidal structure are simulated in LS-DYNA, and a general technical idea of sea ice failure criterion is put forward. 3) the Derradji failure criterion based on triaxial compression test is modified to make it applicable to the bending failure of sea ice. Through the research in this paper, it is shown that due to the complexity of the bending failure process of sea ice, the existing numerical simulation results need to be further explored. Although the modified Derradji failure criterion proposed in this paper can be applied to the bending failure of sea ice to some extent, it still needs further improvement.
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