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发布时间:2019-03-19 21:11
【摘要】:海啸是沿海地区最严重的自然灾害之一,海啸的形成是由于海底大规模的剧烈的上下运动,海底扰动上部海水形成海啸波,海啸波蕴含巨大的能量,由扰动源向四面八方传播,通过涌浪冲击与高水位淹没对沿海地势低平地区的房屋产生巨大的水平冲击,,导致大量房屋瞬间倒塌,造成严重的人员伤亡及经济损失。 数值模拟是波浪研究的重要手段,采用数值模拟的方法研究海啸波浪对建筑物的冲击作用,可以为沿海区域防灾减灾工作提供依据,对确保建筑物安全与减小人员伤亡具有重大意义。本文基于FLOW-3D软件建立了三维数值模型,模拟海啸波浪对建筑物的作用,主要研究内容如下: (1)基于FLOW-3D建立海啸波浪对建筑物作用的三维数值模型,以理想孤立波模拟海啸波浪,对不同开洞工况的沿海低矮建筑物模型进行海啸波浪冲击模拟,对比分析建筑物迎水面开洞大小对建筑物受海啸波浪作用力的影响。 (2)建立模拟海啸波浪对建筑物作用的三维数值模型,分别设置不同的海啸浪高,提取不同海啸浪高作用下结构物所受的海啸水平推力,并利用有限元分析软件,研究不同浪高海啸荷载作用下结构的静力响应、变形情况。 结果表明:海啸波浪爬坡上岸后,先头波浪的最大速度与浸水深度满足一定的比例关系;建筑物在淹没状态下,迎水面的动水压强呈梯形分布,建筑物受力随迎水面墙体开洞的增大而减小,较小开洞的工况受力最为不利;在建筑物非淹没状态下,随着海啸浪高的增大,建筑物受海啸水平推力逐渐增大,且模拟所得海啸水平推力与海啸浪高的平方成正比。
[Abstract]:The tsunami is one of the most serious natural disasters in the coastal area. The tsunami was formed because of the massive upward and downward movement of the seabed, and the sea floor disturbed the upper sea water to form a tsunami wave. The tsunami wave contains a great deal of energy and spreads from the source of disturbance to all directions. The surge shock and high water level inundation have a great horizontal impact on the houses in low-lying coastal areas, resulting in a large number of houses collapsing instantly, resulting in serious casualties and economic losses. Numerical simulation is an important method for wave research. Numerical simulation is used to study the impact of tsunami waves on buildings, which can provide a basis for disaster prevention and mitigation in coastal areas. It is of great significance to ensure the safety of buildings and reduce casualties. In this paper, a three-dimensional numerical model based on FLOW-3D software is established to simulate the effects of tsunami waves on buildings. The main research contents are as follows: (1) A three-dimensional numerical model of tsunami waves acting on buildings is established based on FLOW-3D. The ideal solitary wave is used to simulate the tsunami wave, and the model of low-rise coastal building with different opening conditions is simulated by the tsunami wave impact. The influence of the opening size of the building facing the surface of the water on the tsunami wave force of the building is compared and analyzed. (2) establish a three-dimensional numerical model to simulate the effect of tsunami wave on buildings, set up different tsunami wave height, extract the horizontal thrust of structure under different tsunami wave height, and use the finite element analysis software. The static response and deformation of structures under different wave-height tsunami loads are studied. The results show that the maximum velocity of the front wave is proportional to the depth of flooding after the tsunami wave climbs to the shore. In the submerged state, the dynamic water pressure on the water surface is trapezoidal, the force of the building decreases with the increase of the opening of the facing wall, and the stress of the smaller opening is the most unfavorable. In the non-submerged state of the building, the horizontal thrust of the building increases gradually with the increase of the tsunami wave height, and the simulated horizontal thrust of the tsunami is proportional to the square of the tsunami wave height.


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