[Abstract]:Zhoushan is located in the East China Sea to the south of the Yangtze Estuary. The marine environment is influenced by the land-based pollutants carried by the runoff of the Yangtze River, Qiantang River and other rivers (exogenous), but also by the regional pollutants produced by the regional marine economic development (endogenous). Under the effect of internal and external double stress, Zhoushan sea area has become one of the most seriously polluted areas in the coastal waters of China, and nutrient is the main pollution factor. In order to effectively improve the environmental condition of Zhoushan sea area, it is necessary to excavate the existing multi-source data, analyze the spatio-temporal distribution characteristics and changes of nutrient content in the coastal seawater of Zhoushan, and discuss the input of river land sources and regional marine sources. Changes in the impact of point-source emissions to clarify the direction and location of marine environmental management. From the point of view of historical change, this paper synthesizes the nutrient survey data of Zhoushan sea area during the 11th five-year Plan and the Twelfth five-year Plan period in 1990, and uses GIS spatial analysis technology. The temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of nutrients in the coastal waters of Zhoushan were analyzed systematically. This paper discusses the relative changes of external and internal inputs in rivers and rivers, regional point source pollution and discharge of marine pollution sources, as well as their effects on the marine environment, and puts forward that under the joint action of internal and external sources, Prediction model of nutrient pollution in Zhoushan sea area; Finally, according to the regional socio-economic development planning, this paper analyzes the changing trend of nutrient pollution in the sea area under different development scenarios in the future. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: (1) the spatial distribution characteristics of nutrient pollution in the sea area are as follows: (1) the spatial distribution characteristics of nutrient pollution in the sea area are as follows: (1) the spatial distribution characteristics of nutrient pollution in the sea area are as follows: Under the action of endogenous sources, some local pollution sources appear, which makes the distribution characteristics of the west high and the east low are no longer obvious in the local area; On the whole, the distribution of nutrients in the latter two stages is similar to that in 1990, indicating that exogenous pollution still plays a major role in controlling the distribution of nutrients in the sea area. (2) the temporal variation characteristics of nutrients in the sea area, during the 11th five-year Plan period, The concentrations of active phosphate and inorganic nitrogen in the coastal waters of Zhoushan were higher than those in 1990. Compared with the 11th five-year Plan, the pollution degree of active phosphate and inorganic nitrogen in the coastal waters of the 11th five-year Plan was slightly improved. (3) according to the spatio-temporal distribution characteristics of nutrients in the sea area, the exogenous sources were still controlled as a whole. However, the effect of endogenous on nutrient content in local sea area is expanding. According to the changes of both, the prediction model of nutrient salt pollution in sea area based on internal and external changes is constructed, and the prediction of nutrient salt pollution in sea area during the planning period of the 13th five-year Plan is carried out. (4) pollution control countermeasures: according to the predicted results, During the period of the 13th five-year Plan, only considering that the economic growth reached the expected target and economic growth, the emission reduction of main pollutants reached the expected target. Under the two possible development modes, the nutrient pollution in Zhoushan Sea area showed an aggravating trend. The change trend of exogenous nutrient pollution in Zhoushan sea area has always been in the main control position. It is concluded that the control of nutrient pollution in Zhoushan sea area should be dominated by exogenous control (Yangtze River basin pollution control) in the future, and the endogenous growth should not be ignored at the same time.
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