发布时间:2019-05-18 15:35
【摘要】:海冰是极地气候系统的重要因子。海冰的形成在海洋和大气之间构成了新的交界面,影响海洋-大气之间太阳辐射、动能和水汽的交换,改变海洋表面的辐射和能量平衡。南极和北极是位于地球两端的巨大冷源,拥有地球上99%的冰川和海冰储量,深刻影响全球气候变化。过去30年,卫星数据显示北极地区的海冰覆盖面积呈现萎缩趋势,这更引起人们对南极海冰变化的关注。南极海冰区域作为南极大陆和亚南极的交界区,对南极地区的海洋、大气和气候环境有显著的影响。随着卫星遥感技术,特别是被动微波遥感的发展,使得对南极海冰进行大尺度范围、长时间序列的研究成为可能。本文选用1982~2015年美国雪冰中心的SMMR.SSMI和SSMIS月平均海冰密集度产品以及美国宇航局的MERRA海冰反照率产品,研究了南极春夏季海冰变化;利用NOAA地球系统研究实验室提供的海洋表面温度数据和欧洲中尺度气候预报中心的ERA-Interim地表净太阳辐射数据,分析海冰变化与气候要素的相互关系。结果表明:1982~2015年南极春夏季海冰密集度、外缘线和反照率三个要素均呈现波动增加的趋势,增加速度各不相同。其中海冰密集度增加速度约为0.549%/10yr,置信度为:84.37%;海冰外缘线增加速度约为0.027×106 km2/yr,置信度高达:99.97%;海冰反照率增加速度为1.106%/10yr,置信度达到了99.91%;表明南极海冰确呈增加趋势。从南极春夏季单个月份变化来看,海冰密集度、外缘线和反照率均呈现增加趋势。其中海冰密集度在2月份的增加趋势最明显,达到了1.058%/10yr,1月份的增加趋势最平缓,增加趋势仅仅为0.097%/10yr;海冰外缘线面积从11月到2月逐渐降低,其中1月份的增加趋势最明显,达到了0.041×106km2/yr,2月份的增加趋势最平缓,为0.019×106km2/yr;海冰反照率在12月份增加趋势最明显,达到了1.557%/10yr,1月份的反照率增加趋势最平缓,仅为0.621%/10yr。从空间分布的角度分析1982~2015年南极春夏季海冰的变化情况可知,海冰密集度和反照率的空间分布具有高度的一致性。海冰环绕分布在南极大陆周围的海域,从南极大陆边缘一直延伸到低纬度地区。高值区域主要集中在南极大陆边缘、阿蒙森海和威德尔海海域;低值区域集中在海冰外缘、罗斯海、阿蒙森海的部分海域及埃默里冰架附近。海冰密集度比较高的区域,海冰反照率也比较高;海冰密集度低的区域,反照率通常也比较低。气候要素中海水表面温度和表面净太阳辐射的变化与海冰变化趋势恰好相反,呈波动降低的趋势。其中海水表面温度降低速度约为-0.032℃/10yr,置信度为:97.68%;表面净太阳辐射的降低趋势较低,速度约为-0.268w/m2/10yr,置信度仅为:31.84%。海水表面温度与南极海冰密集度、外缘线和反照率均呈显著负相关关系,显著性水平均在99%;其中与海冰密集度的相关系数达到了-0.581,与外缘线的相关系数为-0.502,与反照率的相关系数达到了-0.925。表面净太阳辐射与海冰密集度、外缘线和反照率三个要素也呈显著负相关关系;其中与海冰密集度的负相关系数最高,达到了-0.560(显著性水平99%),与反照率的相关系数次之,为-0.498(显著性水平99%),与外缘线的负相关系数最低,仅为-0.318,显著性水平也仅达到了90%。海水表面温度和表面净太阳辐射也表现出空间分布的一致性,受纬度影响比较大。随纬度升高,海水表面温度和表面净太阳辐射均呈逐渐降低的分布变化。低值区域主要集中在威德尔海和罗斯海海域,以及阿蒙森海和别林斯高晋海区域;高值区域随着纬度的降低逐渐升高,主要集中在低纬度的海冰外缘区域。空间分布上,高海冰密集度往往伴随着高的海冰反照率和低的海水表面温度以及净太阳辐射;低密集度通常伴随着低海冰反照率和高的海水表面温度以及净太阳辐射。
[Abstract]:Sea ice is an important factor in the polar climate system. The formation of sea ice forms a new interface between the sea and the atmosphere, which influences the exchange of solar radiation, kinetic energy and water vapor between the sea and the atmosphere, and changes the radiation and energy balance of the ocean surface. The Antarctic and the North Pole are huge cold sources at both ends of the Earth, with 99 per cent of the Earth's glaciers and sea ice reserves, which have a profound impact on global climate change. In the last 30 years, satellite data shows a shrinking trend in the area of sea ice in the Arctic, which is more concerned about the changes in the Antarctic sea ice. The Antarctic sea ice region has a significant impact on the marine, atmospheric and climate environment in the Antarctic region as the junction of the Antarctic continent and the sub-Antarctic. With the development of satellite remote sensing technology, especially passive microwave remote sensing, it is possible to study the large-scale and long-time series of the Antarctic sea ice. In this paper, the sea ice changes in the spring and summer of the Antarctic are studied by using the SMMR. SSMI and SSMIS monthly mean sea ice concentration products from 1982 to 2015 and the MERRA sea ice albedo of NASA. The sea surface temperature data provided by the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory and the ERA-Interim surface net solar radiation data of the European Mesoscale Climate Prediction Center are used to analyze the relationship between the sea ice change and the climate elements. The results show that the sea ice concentration, the outer edge line and the albedo in the spring and summer of the Antarctic in 1982 to 2015 show the trend of the increase of the fluctuation, and the speed of the increase is different. The increase of the sea ice concentration is about 0.549%/ 10yr, the confidence is 84.37%, the increase of the sea ice outer edge line is about 0.027 ~ 106km2/ yr, the confidence level is as high as 99.97%, the increase rate of sea ice albedo is 1.106%/ 10yr, and the confidence level is 99.91%; it is shown that the Antarctic sea ice is in an increasing trend. In the single month of the spring and summer of the Antarctic, the sea ice concentration, the outer edge line and the albedo show an increasing trend. The increasing trend of sea ice concentration in February was the most obvious, reached 1.058%/ 10yr, the trend of the increase in January was the most gradual, the increasing trend was only 0.097%/ 10yr, the area of the outer edge line of sea ice decreased from November to February, and the trend of the increase in January was the most obvious, reaching 0.041-106km2/ yr. The trend of increase of sea ice in February was the most gradual, 0.019-106km2/ yr, the increase of sea ice albedo in December was the most obvious, reached 1.557%/ 10yr, and the increase of albedo in January was the most gradual, only 0.621%/ 10yr. The spatial distribution of sea ice from 1982 to 2015 shows that the spatial distribution of sea ice concentration and albedo is highly consistent. The sea ice is distributed around the Antarctic continent, extending from the edge of the Antarctic continent to the low-latitude area. The high-value area is mainly concentrated on the continental margin of the South Pole, the Amundsen Sea and the Westdell Sea, and the low-value area is concentrated near the sea ice outer edge, the Ross Sea, the part of the Amonsen Sea and the nearby Emory ice shelf. The area with high sea ice concentration and the sea ice albedo are also high; the area with low sea ice concentration and the albedo are usually low. The change of the surface temperature and the surface net solar radiation in the climate elements is opposite to that of the sea ice, and the trend of the fluctuation decreases. The surface temperature of the sea water is about-0.032 鈩,
[Abstract]:Sea ice is an important factor in the polar climate system. The formation of sea ice forms a new interface between the sea and the atmosphere, which influences the exchange of solar radiation, kinetic energy and water vapor between the sea and the atmosphere, and changes the radiation and energy balance of the ocean surface. The Antarctic and the North Pole are huge cold sources at both ends of the Earth, with 99 per cent of the Earth's glaciers and sea ice reserves, which have a profound impact on global climate change. In the last 30 years, satellite data shows a shrinking trend in the area of sea ice in the Arctic, which is more concerned about the changes in the Antarctic sea ice. The Antarctic sea ice region has a significant impact on the marine, atmospheric and climate environment in the Antarctic region as the junction of the Antarctic continent and the sub-Antarctic. With the development of satellite remote sensing technology, especially passive microwave remote sensing, it is possible to study the large-scale and long-time series of the Antarctic sea ice. In this paper, the sea ice changes in the spring and summer of the Antarctic are studied by using the SMMR. SSMI and SSMIS monthly mean sea ice concentration products from 1982 to 2015 and the MERRA sea ice albedo of NASA. The sea surface temperature data provided by the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory and the ERA-Interim surface net solar radiation data of the European Mesoscale Climate Prediction Center are used to analyze the relationship between the sea ice change and the climate elements. The results show that the sea ice concentration, the outer edge line and the albedo in the spring and summer of the Antarctic in 1982 to 2015 show the trend of the increase of the fluctuation, and the speed of the increase is different. The increase of the sea ice concentration is about 0.549%/ 10yr, the confidence is 84.37%, the increase of the sea ice outer edge line is about 0.027 ~ 106km2/ yr, the confidence level is as high as 99.97%, the increase rate of sea ice albedo is 1.106%/ 10yr, and the confidence level is 99.91%; it is shown that the Antarctic sea ice is in an increasing trend. In the single month of the spring and summer of the Antarctic, the sea ice concentration, the outer edge line and the albedo show an increasing trend. The increasing trend of sea ice concentration in February was the most obvious, reached 1.058%/ 10yr, the trend of the increase in January was the most gradual, the increasing trend was only 0.097%/ 10yr, the area of the outer edge line of sea ice decreased from November to February, and the trend of the increase in January was the most obvious, reaching 0.041-106km2/ yr. The trend of increase of sea ice in February was the most gradual, 0.019-106km2/ yr, the increase of sea ice albedo in December was the most obvious, reached 1.557%/ 10yr, and the increase of albedo in January was the most gradual, only 0.621%/ 10yr. The spatial distribution of sea ice from 1982 to 2015 shows that the spatial distribution of sea ice concentration and albedo is highly consistent. The sea ice is distributed around the Antarctic continent, extending from the edge of the Antarctic continent to the low-latitude area. The high-value area is mainly concentrated on the continental margin of the South Pole, the Amundsen Sea and the Westdell Sea, and the low-value area is concentrated near the sea ice outer edge, the Ross Sea, the part of the Amonsen Sea and the nearby Emory ice shelf. The area with high sea ice concentration and the sea ice albedo are also high; the area with low sea ice concentration and the albedo are usually low. The change of the surface temperature and the surface net solar radiation in the climate elements is opposite to that of the sea ice, and the trend of the fluctuation decreases. The surface temperature of the sea water is about-0.032 鈩,