[Abstract]:With the continuous exploitation of offshore oil and gas resources, the laying strength of submarine pipeline is also strengthened, and the stability of its operation is directly related to the continuity and safety of the whole transportation system. Because the environment of sea pipe is very complex, it is easy to appear instability under the action of wave, current, earthquake, high temperature, high pressure and so on. The unevenness of sea bed is also one of the reasons for the instability of submarine pipeline. When the sea bed is liquefied, there will be a great floating displacement of the submarine pipeline, which will seriously affect the safety of the submarine pipeline. For the submarine pipeline buried in the seabed, the instability mode is mainly vertical buckling. In this paper, based on Ansys program, the vertical buckling simulation method of submarine pipeline on uneven sea bed is proposed. In the model, the nonlinear spring is used to simulate the interaction between pipe and soil, and the spring stiffness is defined by ASCE code. This method takes into account the factors of soil cohesion, internal friction angle, overlying earth pressure, pipeline diameter and so on. Therefore, this paper mainly discusses the effects of seafloor roughness, axial friction coefficient, internal pressure, soil type and the above factors on the overall stability of seafloor pipelines when they are shelved on uneven seafloor. For the sea pipe in the liquefied sea bed, the floating displacement will occur due to the buoyancy in the liquefied soil. Therefore, from the point of view of reducing the floating displacement and stress of the sea pipe, three methods are proposed to keep the sea pipe stable. The three methods are interval backfilling not easy liquefaction material, interval anchoring, interval setting simple door frame. The geometry and material nonlinear of sea tube are considered in the finite element model. The calculation results show that the unevenness of the sea bed, cohesion and internal friction angle have great influence on the vertical buckling process of the sea tube. The magnitude of internal pressure does not change the sudden occurrence of flexion. However, the influence of axial friction coefficient on the displacement and safety temperature of submarine pipeline before buckling is minimal, but it has a great influence on the vertical displacement after buckling of submarine pipeline, and has an important influence on maintaining the stability of submarine pipeline after buckling. Among the three measures to keep the sea pipe stable under the liquefied sea bed, the three methods can effectively reduce the floating displacement of the sea pipe, but the interval anchoring measure can not effectively reduce the stress of the sea pipe. Therefore, it is suggested that interval backfilling and interval setting simple door frame should be used to maintain the stability of submarine pipeline.
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