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发布时间:2021-02-03 17:32

【文章来源】:华东师范大学上海市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:104 页


Ch.1 Introduction
    1.1 Research background
        1.1.1 Global climate change and carbon dioxide
        1.1.2 Challenges and opportunities under climate change
    1.2 Research progress in marine carbon
        1.2.1 Achievements in global open seas
        1.2.2 Research progress in marginal shelf seas
        1.2.3 Ocean acidification and its influences on marine ecosystem
    1.3 Carbonate system in seawater
    1.4 Significance and content of the study
Ch.2 Materials and methods
    2.1 Study area
    2.2 Sampling strategies and analytical procedures
        2.2.1 pH and alkalinity
        2.2.2 Other field variables
    2.3 Calculation of other carbonate variables
    2.4 Experiment designed on preservation of pH samples
Ch.3 Carbonate system characteristics in the Yellow Sea and BohaiSea
    3.1 Classification of water types
    3.2 Distribution of all measured variables
        3.2.1 Distributions of carbonate and hydrological variables
        3.2.2 Distributions of nutrients and chlorophyll a
    3.3 Carbonate and hydrochemical characteristics in special transects
        3.3.1 Vertical distribution of carbonate variables
        3.3.2 Vertical distribution of hydrochemical variables
    3.4 Results of the experiment on paralleled pH samples
    3.5 Summary
Ch.4 Controlling factors of the carbonate system
    4.1 Relationships between carbonate variables and environmentalfactors
    4.2 Carbonate variables in different water types and the influences ofwater mixing
T versus salinity">        4.2.1 AT versus salinity
        4.2.2 pH versus salinity
    4.3 The biological activity and its influence on carbonate system
    4.4 Characteristics of nutrients and the connection with carbonatechemistry
    4.5 Influences of other processes
    4.6 Summary
Ch.5 Temporal variation of carbonate system and its potential threats
    5.1 The distribution of pH and hydrological variables in Aug 2015
    5.2 Comparison between pH in two cruises
    5.3 Temporal variation of carbonate system in the surveying area
    5.4 Variation trend in the future and potential threats
    5.5 Summary
Ch.6 Conclusions and prospects
    6.1 Conclusions of this study
    6.2 Innovations
    6.3 Problems under disputing and the prospect
Research activities during the study period

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[2]海洋酸化正负效应:藻类的生理学响应[J]. 高坤山.  厦门大学学报(自然科学版). 2011(02)
[3]Effects of temperature, hypoxia, ammonia and nitrate on the bleaching among three coral species[J]. C. K. Tseng.  Chinese Science Bulletin. 2004(18)
[4]带生物泵三维全球海洋碳循环模式[J]. 邢如楠.  大气科学. 2000(03)




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