发布时间:2021-04-17 23:39
【文章来源】:中国海洋大学山东省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:98 页
1. Introduction
1.1 The General Dynamics of the circulation in the Indonesian Seas
1.1.1 The Monsoon
1.1.2 The Indonesian Throughflow
1.1.3 El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
1.1.4 Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD)
1.2 The surface wave in the Indonesian Seas
1.3 The tide system in the Indonesian Seas
1.4 The Upwelling System in Indonesia
1.5 Fisheries Management in Indonesia
2. The Development of the Wave-Tide-Circulation Coupled Model inIndonesian Sea
2.1 The Introduction of the Wave-Tide-Circulation Coupled Model
2.1.1 MASNUM Wave Number Spectral Model
2.1.2 Circulation Model
2.1.3 Parallelization the circulation simulation using Single Program Multiple Data(SPMD)
2.1.4 Coupled Model System
2.2 The input data for MASNUM Wave Number Spectral Model
2.2.1 Bathymetry
2.2.2 Wind Speed
2.3 The input data for Circulation Coupled Model
2.3.1 Temperature and Salinity
2.3.2 Atmospheric Forcing
2.3.3 Tides
2.4 Model validation
2.4.1 Wave validation
2.4.2 Tide validation
2.4.3 Temperature validation based on ARGO and buoy data
2.4.4 Current validation
3. Upwelling Simulation and Analysis
3.1 Application for Indonesian Seas
3.1.1 The Study Area
3.1.2 Upwelling Process and Variability in Eastern Indian Ocean
3.2 The Response to Dipole Mode Event
3.3 Upwelling Zone
3.4 Upwelling Index
3.4.1 The definition of the upwelling index
3.4.2 Upwelling Index from the Wave-Tide-Circulation Coupled Model
3.4.3 Upwelling Index in Eastern Indian Ocean
3.5 The relationship between upwelling and chlorophyll-a
4. Relationship of upwelling and fisheries resources
4.1 Pelagic Fish Behavior
4.2 Fishing port in Eastern Indian Ocean
4.2.1 Pelabuhan Ratu Fish Port
4.2.2 Cilacap Fish Port
4.2.3 Perigi Fish Port
4.3 Correlation between upwelling index and pelagic fish resources
4.3.1 Pelabuhan Ratu Fish Port
4.3.2 Cilacap Fish Port
4.3.3 Perigi Fish Port
Conclusions and Future Works
【文章来源】:中国海洋大学山东省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:98 页
1. Introduction
1.1 The General Dynamics of the circulation in the Indonesian Seas
1.1.1 The Monsoon
1.1.2 The Indonesian Throughflow
1.1.3 El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
1.1.4 Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD)
1.2 The surface wave in the Indonesian Seas
1.3 The tide system in the Indonesian Seas
1.4 The Upwelling System in Indonesia
1.5 Fisheries Management in Indonesia
2. The Development of the Wave-Tide-Circulation Coupled Model inIndonesian Sea
2.1 The Introduction of the Wave-Tide-Circulation Coupled Model
2.1.1 MASNUM Wave Number Spectral Model
2.1.2 Circulation Model
2.1.3 Parallelization the circulation simulation using Single Program Multiple Data(SPMD)
2.1.4 Coupled Model System
2.2 The input data for MASNUM Wave Number Spectral Model
2.2.1 Bathymetry
2.2.2 Wind Speed
2.3 The input data for Circulation Coupled Model
2.3.1 Temperature and Salinity
2.3.2 Atmospheric Forcing
2.3.3 Tides
2.4 Model validation
2.4.1 Wave validation
2.4.2 Tide validation
2.4.3 Temperature validation based on ARGO and buoy data
2.4.4 Current validation
3. Upwelling Simulation and Analysis
3.1 Application for Indonesian Seas
3.1.1 The Study Area
3.1.2 Upwelling Process and Variability in Eastern Indian Ocean
3.2 The Response to Dipole Mode Event
3.3 Upwelling Zone
3.4 Upwelling Index
3.4.1 The definition of the upwelling index
3.4.2 Upwelling Index from the Wave-Tide-Circulation Coupled Model
3.4.3 Upwelling Index in Eastern Indian Ocean
3.5 The relationship between upwelling and chlorophyll-a
4. Relationship of upwelling and fisheries resources
4.1 Pelagic Fish Behavior
4.2 Fishing port in Eastern Indian Ocean
4.2.1 Pelabuhan Ratu Fish Port
4.2.2 Cilacap Fish Port
4.2.3 Perigi Fish Port
4.3 Correlation between upwelling index and pelagic fish resources
4.3.1 Pelabuhan Ratu Fish Port
4.3.2 Cilacap Fish Port
4.3.3 Perigi Fish Port
Conclusions and Future Works