发布时间:2021-10-24 22:29
【文章来源】:华东师范大学上海市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:153 页
1.1 Overview of the hydrography,biogeochemistry and pelagic ecology of the East China Sea
1.1.1 Introduction of the East China Sea
1.1.2 Overview of the marine ecosystem in the East China Sea
1.2 Application of numerical models in marine science
1.2.1 International development of marine biogeochemical and ecological modelling
1.2.2 Domestic development in marine biogeochemical and ecological modelling
1.2.3 Application of1D marine ecosystem models
1.3 Research significance and content
2.Methods and materials
2.1 Study area
2.2 Physical model:GOTM
2.2.1 Mean flow model
2.2.2 Turbulence model
2.2.3 Grid and heat flux
2.3 Biogeochemical model:ERSEM
2.3.1 Phytoplankton
2.3.2 Zooplankton
2.3.3 Bacteria
2.3.4 POM and DOM
2.3.5 Nutrients,oxygen and dissolved inorganic carbon
2.3.6 Light
2.4 Coupling model:FABM
2.4.1 The coupling framework between physical model and biogeochemical model
2.4.2 Introduction of FABM
2.5 Model parameters setting,initial condition and data sources
2.5.1 Parameters setting of GOTM
2.5.2 Parameters setting of ERSEM
2.5.3 Initial values and data source
2.5.4 Mass conservation test of GOTM-FABM-ERSEM
2.5.5 Sensitivity analysis
2.6 Canonical Correspondence analysis
3.Seasonal variation of pelagic ecosystem
3.1 Physical variation
3.1.1 Light, mixed layer and turbulence
3.1.2 Temperature,salinity and density
3.2 Nutrients
3.3 Phytoplankton
3.4 Zooplankton and bacteria
3.5 Summary
4.Seasonal variability of pelagic ecosystem community structure
4.1 The annual cycle of the pelagic ecosystem
4.2 Seasonal changes in the relationship between phytoplankton communities and water environmental drivers
4.2.1 CCA analysis between the phytoplankton and environmental drivers in winter
4.2.2 CCA analysis between the phytoplankton and environmental drivers in spring
4.2.3 CCA analysis between the phytoplankton and environmental drivers in spring
4.2.4 CCA analysis between the phytoplankton and environmental drivers in the autumn
4.3 Effects of surface forcing and light on the pelagic ecosystem
4.3.1 Physical condition
4.3.2 Nutrients
4.3.3 Phytoplankton
4.3.4 Zooplankton and bacteria
4.4 Summary
5.Conclusions and prospects
5.1 Conclusions of this study
5.2 Challenges and future work
Research activities during the study period
[1]海洋初级生产力的一维物理生态耦合模型[J]. 胡晨,孙志林,Dale A.Kiefer,李明佳. 浙江大学学报(工学版). 2018(05)
[2]长江口及邻近海域浮游动物生物量分布及季节变化[J]. 李晓慧,刘镇盛. 海洋学研究. 2017(04)
[3]海洋浮游微食物网生物在海洋颗粒形成和沉降中的作用[J]. 赵苑,赵丽,董逸,李海波,张武昌,肖天. 海洋科学集刊. 2017(00)
[4]青草沙水库浮游植物群落特征与水环境因子的典范对应分析[J]. 吴婷,李灵慧,龚庆碗,黄清辉,李建华. 水资源研究. 2017(03)
[5]长江口及邻近海域营养盐的季节变化特征[J]. 刘雅丽,高磊,朱礼鑫,王腾,宋淑贞,李道季. 海洋环境科学. 2017(02)
[6]波生运动和波湍相互作用对海洋上混合层影响的数值探究[J]. 朱冬琳,高劲松,管长龙. 海洋湖沼通报. 2017(01)
[7]OpenMI技术在水文模型集成中的研究进展[J]. 颜停霞,许金朵,林晨,段洪涛,马荣华,胡维平,左一鸣. 南水北调与水利科技. 2016(05)
[8]海洋浮游细菌生长率和被摄食的研究综述[J]. 张武昌,赵丽,陈雪,赵苑,董逸,李海波,肖天. 海洋科学. 2016(05)
[9]海洋浮游桡足类摄食纤毛虫的研究[J]. 张武昌,陈雪,李海波,丰美萍,于莹,赵苑,肖天. 海洋与湖沼. 2014(04)
[10]2011年春夏季黄海和东海微型浮游动物类群组成及其摄食的研究[J]. 苏素红,陈炳章,黄邦钦. 应用海洋学学报. 2014(01)
【文章来源】:华东师范大学上海市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:153 页
1.1 Overview of the hydrography,biogeochemistry and pelagic ecology of the East China Sea
1.1.1 Introduction of the East China Sea
1.1.2 Overview of the marine ecosystem in the East China Sea
1.2 Application of numerical models in marine science
1.2.1 International development of marine biogeochemical and ecological modelling
1.2.2 Domestic development in marine biogeochemical and ecological modelling
1.2.3 Application of1D marine ecosystem models
1.3 Research significance and content
2.Methods and materials
2.1 Study area
2.2 Physical model:GOTM
2.2.1 Mean flow model
2.2.2 Turbulence model
2.2.3 Grid and heat flux
2.3 Biogeochemical model:ERSEM
2.3.1 Phytoplankton
2.3.2 Zooplankton
2.3.3 Bacteria
2.3.4 POM and DOM
2.3.5 Nutrients,oxygen and dissolved inorganic carbon
2.3.6 Light
2.4 Coupling model:FABM
2.4.1 The coupling framework between physical model and biogeochemical model
2.4.2 Introduction of FABM
2.5 Model parameters setting,initial condition and data sources
2.5.1 Parameters setting of GOTM
2.5.2 Parameters setting of ERSEM
2.5.3 Initial values and data source
2.5.4 Mass conservation test of GOTM-FABM-ERSEM
2.5.5 Sensitivity analysis
2.6 Canonical Correspondence analysis
3.Seasonal variation of pelagic ecosystem
3.1 Physical variation
3.1.1 Light, mixed layer and turbulence
3.1.2 Temperature,salinity and density
3.2 Nutrients
3.3 Phytoplankton
3.4 Zooplankton and bacteria
3.5 Summary
4.Seasonal variability of pelagic ecosystem community structure
4.1 The annual cycle of the pelagic ecosystem
4.2 Seasonal changes in the relationship between phytoplankton communities and water environmental drivers
4.2.1 CCA analysis between the phytoplankton and environmental drivers in winter
4.2.2 CCA analysis between the phytoplankton and environmental drivers in spring
4.2.3 CCA analysis between the phytoplankton and environmental drivers in spring
4.2.4 CCA analysis between the phytoplankton and environmental drivers in the autumn
4.3 Effects of surface forcing and light on the pelagic ecosystem
4.3.1 Physical condition
4.3.2 Nutrients
4.3.3 Phytoplankton
4.3.4 Zooplankton and bacteria
4.4 Summary
5.Conclusions and prospects
5.1 Conclusions of this study
5.2 Challenges and future work
Research activities during the study period
[1]海洋初级生产力的一维物理生态耦合模型[J]. 胡晨,孙志林,Dale A.Kiefer,李明佳. 浙江大学学报(工学版). 2018(05)
[2]长江口及邻近海域浮游动物生物量分布及季节变化[J]. 李晓慧,刘镇盛. 海洋学研究. 2017(04)
[3]海洋浮游微食物网生物在海洋颗粒形成和沉降中的作用[J]. 赵苑,赵丽,董逸,李海波,张武昌,肖天. 海洋科学集刊. 2017(00)
[4]青草沙水库浮游植物群落特征与水环境因子的典范对应分析[J]. 吴婷,李灵慧,龚庆碗,黄清辉,李建华. 水资源研究. 2017(03)
[5]长江口及邻近海域营养盐的季节变化特征[J]. 刘雅丽,高磊,朱礼鑫,王腾,宋淑贞,李道季. 海洋环境科学. 2017(02)
[6]波生运动和波湍相互作用对海洋上混合层影响的数值探究[J]. 朱冬琳,高劲松,管长龙. 海洋湖沼通报. 2017(01)
[7]OpenMI技术在水文模型集成中的研究进展[J]. 颜停霞,许金朵,林晨,段洪涛,马荣华,胡维平,左一鸣. 南水北调与水利科技. 2016(05)
[8]海洋浮游细菌生长率和被摄食的研究综述[J]. 张武昌,赵丽,陈雪,赵苑,董逸,李海波,肖天. 海洋科学. 2016(05)
[9]海洋浮游桡足类摄食纤毛虫的研究[J]. 张武昌,陈雪,李海波,丰美萍,于莹,赵苑,肖天. 海洋与湖沼. 2014(04)
[10]2011年春夏季黄海和东海微型浮游动物类群组成及其摄食的研究[J]. 苏素红,陈炳章,黄邦钦. 应用海洋学学报. 2014(01)