发布时间:2018-02-01 21:40
本文关键词: 乳化液膜 稳定性 湿法磷酸 净化 破乳 出处:《昆明理工大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着市场需求的变化以及资源、能源、环境等因素的限制,以湿法磷酸净化为基础的磷酸及无机磷酸盐生产技术将逐渐替代传统的热法磷酸及磷酸盐生产技术。乳化液膜技术是一种新型的分离技术,本文采用乳化液膜体系对模拟湿法磷酸中重金属铅进行分离研究,为该技术在湿法磷酸领域应用提供技术支持。本论文首先对乳化液膜体系的稳定性进行了探讨。通过实验主要考察了T154、Span-80、Lan-113的用量、油内比Roi、制乳强度以及制乳时间对乳化液膜体系稳定性的影响,得到了较优的乳化液膜组成配方。实验表明:Span80体系液膜组成为Span80:P204:液体石蜡:煤油=5:5:1:89(体积比),制乳转速为2000 r·min~(-1),内水相盐酸溶液浓度为4mol·-L~(-1),油内比Roi=1:1,制乳时间30min;兰-113体系液膜组成为兰-113:P204:液体石蜡:煤油=7:5:1:87(体积比),制乳转速为2000 r·min~(-1),内水相盐酸溶液浓度为4 mol·L~(-1),油内比1:1,制乳时间30 min;T154体系液膜组成为T154:P204:液体石蜡:磺化煤油=6:5:1:88(体积比),制乳转速为2000 r·min~(-1),内水相盐酸溶液浓度为4 mol·L~(-1),油内比1:1,制乳时间30 min。此时所制得的乳化液破乳率低,液化液膜体系较稳定。其次,采用T154-P204-液体石蜡-煤油乳化液膜体系对模拟湿法磷酸液中的重金属Pb(Ⅱ)的传质行为进行了探究,考察了影响金属离子迁移率的各种因素,得到了该液膜体系:脱铅的较优操作条件:T154:P204:液体石蜡:煤油=6:5:1:88(体积比),乳水比Reew=1:2(v/v),萃取搅拌强度300 r·min~(-1),内水相盐酸浓度为4 mol·L~(-1),搅拌时间15min,乳化液膜体系萃取铅的迁移率达到了 96%以上。并通过正交实验分析得到该乳化液膜体系萃取铅中7个主要影响因素的主次顺序是:表面活性剂用量油内比搅拌时间搅拌强度乳水比载体用量内水相盐酸浓度,得到的优组合:T154 6%,P204 5%,液体石蜡1%,磺化煤油88%,搅拌强度300 r-min~(-1),油内比Roi=1:1,乳水比Rew=1:1,搅拌时间为15 min,盐酸浓度4 mol·L~(-1),。在优组合条件下,铅离子的迁移率达到了 97.3%。最后还考察了超声、加热、超声-加热破乳方法的破乳效果。结果表明采用超声-加热联合破乳法效果要好于采用单一破乳法,破乳率可达到95%。将破乳后的油相回收利用,进行重复制乳破乳,三次利用对铅的迁移率能达到80%以上。
[Abstract]:With the change of market demand and the restriction of resources, energy, environment and so on. The production technology of phosphoric acid and inorganic phosphate based on wet phosphoric acid purification will gradually replace the traditional thermal phosphoric acid and phosphate production technology. Emulsion membrane technology is a new separation technology. The separation of heavy metal lead in simulated wet phosphoric acid by emulsion membrane system was studied in this paper. In this paper, the stability of emulsion membrane system was discussed. The experiment mainly investigated the stability of T154N Span-80. The effects of the dosage of Lan-113, the ratio of oil to oil, the strength of milk preparation and the time of emulsion preparation on the stability of emulsion film system. The experimental results show that the liquid membrane composition of the system is Span80: P204: liquid paraffin: kerosene 5: 5: 1: 89 (volume ratio). The speed of milk preparation was 2000 r 路min ~ (-1) ~ (-1), the concentration of hydrochloric acid solution in aqueous phase was 4 mol 路-L ~ (-1), the ratio of oil to Roi was 1: 1, and the time of milk preparation was 30 min. The composition of liquid film of Lan-113 system is Lan 113: P204: liquid paraffin: kerosene 7: 5: 1 87 (volume ratio, speed of milk production is 2000 r 路min-1). The concentration of hydrochloric acid solution in aqueous phase was 4 mol 路L ~ (-1), the ratio of oil to oil was 1: 1, and the preparation time was 30 minutes. The composition of liquid membrane of T154 system is T154: P204: liquid paraffin: sulfonated kerosene 6: 5: 1: 88 (volume ratio, speed of milk production is 2000r 路min-1). The concentration of hydrochloric acid solution in aqueous phase is 4 mol 路L ~ (-1) ~ (-1), the ratio of oil to oil is 1: 1, and the time of emulsion preparation is 30 mins. At this time, the demulsification rate of emulsion is low, and the liquid membrane system is stable. The mass transfer behavior of heavy metal Pb (鈪,