本文关键词: 碱式硫酸镁水泥 摩尔比 改性剂 矿物掺合料 耐水性 出处:《哈尔滨理工大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In this paper, the influence of the mole ratio of basic magnesium sulfate cement, the amount of modifier and mineral admixture on the compressive strength of cement before and after soaking was studied. The effects of composition materials on the water resistance of basic magnesium sulfate cement were investigated. The changes of hydration products and microstructure before and after immersion were studied by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The mechanism of improving the water resistance of basic magnesium sulfate cement is analyzed. The experimental results show that the water resistance of basic magnesium sulfate cement is greatly affected by the ratio of raw materials and mineral admixture, and when the content of modifier is the same, The higher the molar ratio of MgO:MgSO4 to MgSO4 in raw material ratio of basic magnesium sulfate cement is, the higher the strength of cement sample is under the condition of air hardening, and the better the water resistance is. When the molar ratio of H _ 2O _ 2: MgSO _ 4 is fixed, the molar ratio of MgO _ 2O _ 4 to MgSO _ 4 is 7:00. After 60 days of soaking, the strength loss rate of cement sample is 33% and 9:00, and the loss rate of cement sample strength is 17.9. When the molar ratio of MgO:MgSO4 is fixed, the ratio of H _ 2O: MgSO _ 4 in the ratio of H _ 2O _ 2 to MgSO _ 4 in raw material of basic magnesium sulfate is higher, the strength of cement sample under air-hardening condition is lower. When the molar ratio of H _ 2O: MgSO _ 4 was increased from 20 to 22:00, the strength loss rate of cement samples immersed in water for 60 days increased from 17.9% to 48.2 percent. When the molar ratio of raw materials was the same, The compressive strength and softening coefficient of basic magnesium sulfate cement samples increased with the increase of modifier content in the range of 0.1% or 1.0%. When the content of modifier is 1, the maximum value can be obtained. When a certain amount of fly ash, slag and silica fume is added to the basic magnesium sulfate cement, the water resistance of the cement can be improved. The water resistance of basic magnesium sulfate cement is the best, and the softening coefficient of basic magnesium sulfate cement mixed with 30% fly ash can reach to 0.97 after 70 days of immersion. The hydration products and microstructure of basic magnesium sulfate cement are analyzed. The higher molar ratio of MgO:MgSO4, the lower molar ratio of H _ 2O: MgSO _ 4 and the corresponding amount of modifier are more favorable to the formation of needle-shaped crystal 5MgOH2 路MgSO4 路7H2O in basic magnesium sulfate cement, so the water resistance of fly ash is better. The mineral admixtures such as slag and silica fume can fill the internal pores of cement stone because of the fine particles, so that the structure of cement stone is more dense, thus improving the water resistance of basic magnesium sulfate cement.
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