本文选题:质子交换膜燃料电池 切入点:增湿器 出处:《天津大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) is a new type of power source with high efficiency and no pollution. It has the advantages of high energy density, high start-up speed and a wide range of fuel sources.The water content in the proton exchange membrane will affect the proton conductivity and mechanical strength of the membrane, which will affect the performance of the fuel cell, so it is necessary to manage the water of the fuel cell.The water generated by the reaction inside the battery is not enough to maintain the water balance of the battery under various working conditions, so it is reasonable and effective to use the external humidifier to humidify the cathode inlet air.In this paper, an external humidification mode of PEMFC with porous carbon plate as the core technology is studied, and the influencing factors of heat and moisture transfer characteristics of porous carbon plate are studied through experiments.In this paper, an experimental system for measuring the heat and moisture transfer characteristics through porous dielectric plates is designed. The system consists of two loops.In this paper, the parameters of the heating and humidifying device needed by the experimental system are calculated to ensure that the experiment can be carried out smoothly.In addition, the water balance of the whole experimental system is calculated, and the error results are evaluated.In this paper, the effects of fluid flow parameters on the heat and moisture transfer characteristics of porous media plates are studied experimentally.The effects of temperature and relative humidity of humidified gas on the heat and moisture transfer characteristics of porous media plates were studied.The results show that the increase of gas flow rate is not conducive to the increase of the temperature and water recovery rate of the humidified gas, but it can promote the moisture transfer.The increase of relative humidity of humidified gas can promote the increase of temperature and moisture transfer amount of humidified gas, but it will lead to the decrease of water recovery rate, and the temperature of humidified gas will obviously raise the temperature of humidified gas.It can also promote the increase of moisture transfer capacity and water recovery rate, which indicates that increasing the inlet temperature of humidifying gas can improve the heat and moisture transfer performance of humidifier.In addition, the influence of the structure and physical parameters of porous dielectric plate on the heat and moisture transfer characteristics is also studied.The porous media plates with different surface characteristics and porosity were studied experimentally under different fluid flow parameters.The results show that with the increase of the relative humidity of the inlet of the humidified gas, the difference of the heat and moisture transfer between the ribbed surface at the high temperature side and the low temperature side is more obvious, and the heat transfer effect of the ribbed surface on the humidified side is better.Therefore, the heat transfer ability of porous plate can be improved by the surface rib of the humidified side. In addition, the increase of porosity will obviously promote the water transfer ability of porous plate.
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