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发布时间:2018-04-28 01:39

  本文选题:硅酸盐玻璃 + 氟磷酸盐玻璃 ; 参考:《南京邮电大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,随着白光LED在照明领域的快速发展,拥有宽谱发射的荧光材料成为了研究的一大重点。其中,过渡金属离子掺杂白光玻璃,因为具有高显色指数,高量子效率,以及优异的物理性能等特性,受到了广泛关注。本文制备了Sn~(2+)掺杂的硅酸盐玻璃(FSS)和Sn~(2+)/Mn~(2+)掺杂的氟磷酸盐玻璃(PSM)两种不同的玻璃体系,分别获得了光学性能和物理性能较为优异的白光玻璃。更是在二者的基础上进行了微晶化处理的研究,获得了光学性能和物理性能更为优异的白光微晶玻璃。全文的主要研究内容及研究结果如下:1、基于硅酸盐玻璃良好的光学性能,优异的物理性能等优点,制备了Sn~(2+)单掺的FSS白光玻璃;研究了Sn~(2+)的掺杂浓度及CaF2的引入浓度对FSS玻璃的光学性能的影响。获得了在280 nm波长的激发下,显色指数高达98,量子效率高达85%,色坐标为(0.32,0.33),色温为6111 K的样品;此外,其在可见光区域的透过为88%,室温下的热导率为1.44 W/m·K。2、基于氟磷酸盐玻璃熔点低,易制备,过渡金属离子掺杂浓度高等优点,制备了Sn~(2+)/Mn~(2+)掺杂的PSM白光玻璃;研究了Sn~(2+)/Mn~(2+)的掺杂浓度及不同碱土金属氟化物的引入对PSM玻璃光学性能的影响。获得了在290 nm波长的激发下,显色指数高达91,量子效率高达78%;色坐标为(0.33,0.33),色温为5612 K的样品;此外,其在可见光区域的透过为90%,室温下的热导率为3.25 W/m·K。3、为了进一步提升FSS玻璃及PSM玻璃的光学性能和物理性能,对二者分别进行了微晶化处理,得到晶型及晶粒尺寸可控的白光微晶玻璃。与白光玻璃相比,白光微晶玻璃在吸收峰及发射峰处有明显增强,量子效率有所提升;此外,其热导率也有较大提升。其中,样品FSS-1微晶化后得到的GCF-4微晶玻璃的量子效率提升到89%,室温下的热导率提升到1.59 W/m·K;样品PSM-11微晶化后得到的GCP-6微晶玻璃的量子效率提升到82%,室温下的热导率提升到3.55 W/m·K。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of white LED in the field of lighting, wide spectrum emission of fluorescent materials has become a major focus of research. Among them, transition metal ions doped white glass has attracted much attention because of its high color index, high quantum efficiency and excellent physical properties. In this paper, two kinds of glass systems, Sn~(2) doped silicate glass (FSS) and Sn~(2 / Mn-Phosphate glass (PSMS), have been prepared. The white light glass with excellent optical and physical properties has been obtained. On the basis of these two methods, the white glass-ceramics with better optical and physical properties were obtained. The main research contents and results are as follows: 1. Based on the good optical properties and excellent physical properties of silicate glass, FSS white glass doped with Sn~(2 is prepared. The influence of the doping concentration of Sn~(2 and the concentration of CaF2 on the optical properties of FSS glass was studied. Under the excitation of 280nm wavelength, the chromogenic index is up to 98, the quantum efficiency is up to 8555, the color coordinate is 0.32 ~ 0.33, and the color temperature is 6111 K. The transmittance in the visible region is 88 and the thermal conductivity is 1.44 W / m K. 2 at room temperature. Based on the advantages of low melting point, easy preparation of fluorophosphate glass and high doping concentration of transition metal ions, the white PSM glass doped with Sn~(2 / Mn-MNO _ 2 has been prepared. The influence of the doping concentration of Sn~(2 / MNO _ 2 and the introduction of different alkali earth metal fluoride on the optical properties of PSM glass was studied. Under the excitation of 290nm, the chromogenic index is up to 91, the quantum efficiency is 78 and the color coordinate is 0.33 ~ 0.33, and the color temperature is 5612 K. The transmittance in the visible region is 90 and the thermal conductivity at room temperature is 3.25 W / m K. 3. In order to further improve the optical and physical properties of FSS glass and PSM glass, the two glasses have been microcrystallized. White glass-ceramics with controlled crystal shape and grain size were obtained. Compared with the white glass-ceramics, the absorption and emission peaks of the white glass-ceramics are obviously enhanced, and the quantum efficiency is improved. In addition, the thermal conductivity of the glass-ceramics is also greatly improved. Among them, the quantum efficiency of the GCF-4 glass-ceramics obtained by the microcrystallization of the sample FSS-1 is increased to 89, the thermal conductivity of the glass ceramics increases to 1.59 W / m K at room temperature, the quantum efficiency of the GCP-6 glass-ceramics obtained by the sample PSM-11 microcrystallization increases to 82%, and the thermal conductivity increases to 3.55 W / m K at room temperature.


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