本文选题:相对湿度 + 表面悬键钝化 ; 参考:《中国地质大学(北京)》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Polycrystalline diamond (PCD) has high hardness, high wear resistance and excellent toughness. It can be used in geological drilling, cutting tools and other fields. It is difficult to ensure that PCD is in good liquid lubrication condition during drilling. At this time, the humidity atmosphere will seriously affect the drilling or cutting performance, and the tribochemical effect between the interface will have an important impact on the material wear. Therefore, the tribological behavior of PCD in grinding silicon nitride balls under the condition of relative humidity of 5- 85% and water lubrication has been investigated. The effects of surface chemical hanging bond passivation, carbon atom heavy hybridization, interfacial carbon transfer film formation and oxidation tribological reaction on the tribological properties of PCD were studied by means of optical microscope, Ramana SEMEDS XPS and AFM. The results are as follows: (1) the formation of carbon transfer film on the surface of Si _ 3N _ 4 sphere under 5%-50%RH is the main factor affecting the steady friction coefficient. Under 5%RH condition, the formation of continuous and uniform carbon transfer film is ensured by a longer running period of 4000 weeks. The adhesion interaction between the slip interfaces can be significantly reduced, and the friction coefficient of 0.04 at the ultra-low steady state can be obtained. When the relative humidity is 10%-50%RH, there are enough water molecules in the test environment, and the formation of carbon transfer film can be inhibited by forming the passivated surface of H _ (-) -O _ (H _ (2)) _ (2) H _ (2) H _ (2) O. For the wear of PCD, under the condition of 5%RH, the maximum wear rate of PCD is 9.1 脳 10 ~ (-11) mm ~ (3 / Nmm 路N ~ (-2). Under the condition of high humidity ~ (55 ~ 85), the high concentration of water molecules in the test environment is physically adsorbed on the slip interface, and the liquid bridge is formed by capillary condensation between the interfaces. When the meniscus force is applied at the slip interface, the unstable and the highest friction coefficient of 0.105 is obtained. But under the condition of water lubrication, the lowest friction coefficient is 0.06. It is easy to form an effective water molecular lubricating film at the slip interface during water lubrication, which reduces the friction between the interfaces significantly. Under the condition of high humidity, Si _ 3N _ 4 forms different grinding spots. With the increase of relative humidity, the diameter of grinding spot on grinding ball increases gradually, and the largest spot is obtained at the humidity level of 85%. However, under the condition of water lubrication, the minimum wear spot is obtained.) the passivation effect of the chemical hanging bond affects the covalent interaction between the slip interfaces. Different humidity conditions correspond to different running periods of different lengths, and the longer running time is to ensure good continuity and uniformity. The direct cause of stable carbon transfer membranes. The formation of a continuous carbon transfer film between slip interfaces is the main reason for the ultra-low friction coefficient of PCD during the steady-state period. Under the condition of 55%-85%RH, the oxidation wear degree of Si3N4 is controlled by different Si-N/Si-OH Si-O Si-OH / Si-O.
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