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发布时间:2018-08-02 13:36
[Abstract]:Desulphurization gypsum is a major industrial by-product produced by calcium desulphurization in coal-fired flue gas, and its resource utilization is one of the key links in the promotion of flue gas desulfurization industry, but environmental compatibility in the application process is an urgent problem. This paper uses the ecological model method to distribute and move the impurity components and heavy metal components in the desulphurized gypsum. The compatibility of desulphurized gypsum with the environment is evaluated to provide basic data for the application of desulphurized gypsum to safety resources. The desulphurizing gypsum in two power plants in Wuhan and Zhejiang is used in the study. The FA1 and FA2. leaching mode method is used to study the heavy metal Cr and As in the desulphurizing gypsum by column leaching and batch leaching. The migration law of Ni and Pb components, respectively simulated the two environment of atmospheric precipitation and surface water immersion, and also used the standard Tessier method to analyze the occurrence form of heavy metal components in the desulphurization gypsum. The proportion of heavy metal components in the desulphurized gypsum in the same power plant is different, so the migration characteristics of the components are also different. In the study, two kinds of power plant gypsum are used, mainly considering the two main process conditions for the leaching time and the pH value of the leachate. The experimental results show that the leaching process of heavy metals in the desulphurizing gypsum is subjected to the occurrence form and the leaching process. Among the factors such as pH and other factors, the long leaching time and the pH value of the filtrate will promote the leaching of 4 heavy metal components from the desulphurized gypsum. The leaching rate of the heavy metal components in the batch leaching is PbCrNiAs and the column leaching is PbAsCrNi; the leaching results of FA2 show that the leaching rate of heavy metals in batch leaching is smooth. The sequence is CrNiAsPb, and the column leaching is AsPbNiCr. so that the heavy metal components in the desulphurizing gypsum can be migrated by leaching, and the heavy metal content in most of the filtrate is more than the national standard. Therefore, the desulfurization gypsum has a risk for the water environment. The Ontario water method is used to absorb the Hg compounds analyzed by the Ontario water method, and the atomic fluorescence spectrometry is used to quantitatively analyze the precipitated mercury compounds in different temperatures. The study shows that the main release temperature range of the mercury Series in the desulphurization gypsum is 250~450 and 650~850, and the precipitation of Hg~ (2+) in the two kinds of desulphurized gypsum is basically the same, Hg~ (2+) is contained in the gypsum. At 250~450 C, the release of Hg~0 reached the maximum. Therefore, in the process of calcining, the hidden danger of the two release of mercury in the special high temperature calcination process was found. The back frost experiment was carried out to explore the permeation mode of gypsum block under different curing conditions. The change of the distribution law of Na and Mg components in the desulphurized gypsum block is.Na, and the return frost caused by the Mg component is one of the main defects in the application of the gypsum gypsum. It is caused by the migration of Na~+ and Mg~ (2+) plasma to the gypsum block surface. The study process mainly considers the three key factors of the curing mode, the soluble salt content and the water paste ratio. The results show that the content of soluble salt is higher, and the phenomenon of back frost will be aggravated when the water paste is low. The migration law of soluble salt is preceded by the edge crystal, which is due to the precipitation of soluble salt in the wet environment with the evaporation of water to the surface of the block. In the process of exchange, migration and release, the impurity components in the process of processing and storage in the environment, the migration and release of impurities, especially the heavy metal components, produce micro pollution to the local environment, and the long-term cumulative effect can not be ignored.


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