[Abstract]:Fouling is a common problem in industry such as electric power and chemical industry. For many years, magnetic field scale inhibition and scale removal as a water treatment technology has been widely studied because of its advantages of simplicity, economy and no pollution. In this paper, a set of bipolar pulsed magnetic field generator is designed, and the air gap magnetic field of the magnetic field generator is simulated and analyzed. First, the magnetic induction intensity uniformity 螖 of the permanent magnet based on NdFeB N40 in the water treatment chamber is less than 0.15, which meets the requirement of uniformity of magnetic induction intensity in the magnetic field scale inhibition experiment. Then, according to the basic theory of the Maxwell equations, it is found that the magnetic induction intensity of the ring magnetic field device assembled by multiple sector permanent magnets can not be calculated by the basic electromagnetic theory calculation method. The finite element method must be used to solve the problem. Then, the distribution law of magnetic induction intensity in the water treatment cavity of the magnetic field generator is obtained by ANSYS simulation, that is, the magnetic induction intensity is kept at 0.4T within the effective spacing of 0.02m, and when the annular device rotates one week, The intensity of magnetic induction at the center of the cavity can be changed four times from -0.4T to 0.4T, thus a bipolar pulsed magnetic field with 0.4 T magnetic induction intensity is formed in the water pipe, which is perpendicular to the direction of water flow. In this paper, a magnetic field scale inhibition experimental platform for multi-parameter monitoring of miniature circulating water has been developed by using bipolar pulse magnetic field generator, circulating water device and measuring instrument. The LabX software is used to monitor the pH, conductivity and temperature online, which shortens the time interval of data recording and reduces the workload of manual recording. The repeatability of scale inhibition experiment was verified by pre-experiment. The results of orthogonal scale inhibition experiment show that the best scale inhibition effect is when the initial concentration of calcium ion is 6 mmol / L, the frequency of pulse magnetic field is 40 Hz, and the temperature of circulating water is 40 掳C, and the scale inhibition rate is 49.33. The variance analysis of the results of orthogonal scale inhibition experiment shows that the influence of three factors and three levels on the scale inhibition rate is in turn the frequency of pulse magnetic field, the initial calcium ion concentration and the water temperature. The optimal scale inhibition parameters are: initial calcium concentration of 5 mmol / L, pulse magnetic field frequency of 40 Hz, circulating water temperature of 40 掳C. It was found that the pH value fluctuated, and the higher the temperature was, the more violent the fluctuation was. Finally, the correlation between calcium ion concentration, conductivity and time is studied, and BP neural network model based on orthogonal scale inhibition experiment of pulsed magnetic field is established, and the scale inhibition parameters are optimized by combining this model with genetic algorithm. The results show that the pulsed magnetic field can promote the stable state of ions in circulating aqueous solution. With the increase of frequency, the time of calcium ion reaching equilibrium is shorter. Then the prediction model established by BP neural network is used as the fitness function of genetic algorithm to optimize the experimental parameters of magnetic field scale inhibition. The maximum scale inhibition rate of a certain range is 84.37. The optimum scale inhibition parameters are magnetic field frequency 77.5 Hz, magnetic induction intensity 0.395T, initial concentration of calcium ion 4.45 mmol / L, temperature 56.86 掳C.
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